Prepare SMS Sendout
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    Prepare SMS Sendout

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    Create New ​ >  ​Message​ > SMS Message > Create > Prepare Sendout


    In this window, you create the settings for your SMS message sendout.

    What can I do in this step?

    • Select the sendout group.

    • Decide whether to send the message immediately, send the message at a scheduled date and time, or save the message as a prepared message.

    • Apply a segment to limit the recipients of your message.

    • Select a message category.

    The group settings also affect message sendout and delivery. For more information, see ​Sendout Options (tab)​.

    Sendout Settings​



    ​ Group​

    Defines the group to which you send the message. In Mapp Engage, messages are always sent to a group. Select your sendout group from the ​Group​ drop-down list.

    Super Groups are marked with an ​(S)​.


    Defines whether the message is sent to the group or saved as a prepared message.

    • Send to Group:​ Sends the message to the members of the group. You can further limit the recipients of the message by applying a selection.

    • Save as Prepared Message:​ Saves the message as a prepared message. This option lets you use the message for many future sendouts. You can send the same prepared message many times and update the content at any time. A common use for prepared messages is automated sendouts, such as transactional messages and birthday emails. After saving, you can view the message in the ​Prepared Messages Overview​.

      • Create System Message Template:​ Saves a copy of the message as a template for a system message. This option only appears when you select the ​Save as Prepared Message option.
        This option allows you to select the message as a template when you create or edit system messages. For instructions, see ​Use Template for System Message​. When you select this option, Mapp Engage also saves the message as a normal prepared message. After saving, you can view the message in the ​Prepared Messages Overview​ window.


    Applies a segment to the sendout. A segment is a filter that defines a subset of contacts. This subset is based on criteria that you define. Segments enable you to send targeted messages to a specific audience.

    Select a segment from the drop-down list. To search for a segment, click the symbol.

    ​Message Transport​

    Defines when Mapp Engage starts the message sendout process.

    • Immediately:​ Starts the message sendout process when you click ​Send Message​ in step ​4.Summary​ of the message creation process.

    • Schedule:​ Starts the message sendout process at a scheduled date and time when you click ​Schedule Message​ in ​4. Summary​ of the message creation process. To schedule the sendout, click the calendar symbol.
      You can define the sendout time for group messages in the group settings. If the start time defined here conflicts with the group settings, Mapp Engage delays the sendout until the start time defined in the settings. For more information, see ​Sendout Options (tab)​.

      The ​Message Preprocessing:​ option defines whether Mapp Engage processes a message before the scheduled sendout time. This option is not available for SMS messages.

    Send to a SuperGroup​

    If you select a SuperGroup in the ​Select Group​ drop-down list, an additional check box appears in the window. This check box allows you to decide how to send the message.

    For more information, see ​SuperGroup: Introduction​.

    Send the Message to All Subgroups: ​

    • When selected, Mapp Engage sends the message to the members of all subgroups. Mapp Engage does not send the message to the members of the SuperGroup itself.

    • When not selected, Mapp Engage sends the message to the members of the SuperGroup. Mapp Engage does not send the message to the members of the subgroups.

    Advanced Options​



    ​Sendout Size​

    Use these options to limit the sendout to a smaller portion of the group. The members are selected at random.

    • ​All Group Members:​ Sends the message to all active members of the selected group.

    • ​Percent of Members:​ Opens a field to define the percentage of group members who receive the message. If the percent is less than 100, the members are selected at random.

    • Number of Members:​ Opens a field to define the absolute number of group members who receive the message. The members are selected at random.


    Confirms the format of the message. The message is sent as an SMS.

    ​Message Category​

    Defines a message category for the message. Message categories help you evaluate the success of multiple messages in multiple groups. You can also use message categories in selections and automations. For more information, see ​Message Categories​.

    ​Selection Expression​

    Defines a selection with expression language (EL). Mapp Engage applies this filter to your sendout. Use this type of selection to select contacts according to values that are stored in Related Data.




    ​Edit Message​

    Opens step ​2. Content​ of the message creation wizard. If you click this option, your sendout settings are lost.


    Opens the​ Message Preview​ window. This window offers you several ways to preview and test your message before sendout.

    For more information, see ​Email Message Preview (window)​.

    ​Check Message​

    Opens step​ 4. Summary​ of the message creation wizard. Here you can review your message content and sendout settings before the final sendout.

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