Processed Email Messages (window)
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    Processed Email Messages (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Messages​ > ​Outbox​.

      ⇒ The ​Processed Messages​ window opens to the ​Email​ tab.


    This window displays the scheduled and sent email messages in your system. You can also see email messages that Mapp Engage is processing.

    What can I do in this window?

    • View, copy, archive, and delete email messages.

    • Cancel, pause, or resume an email sendout.

    • Edit the links in an email message - even after sendout.

    • Approve or reject moderated messages. For more information, see Message Moderation​.

    This window displays the following kinds of email messages:

    • Group messages that were sent manually.

    • SuperMessages and split sendouts.

    • Single sendouts that were sent with an automation.

    • Scheduled and sent messages from time-based automations and whiteboards.

    This window does not display system messages or group messages that were sent with an automation.


    You only see the sent messages for which you have group permission 605 (​Messaging: View Sent Messages​).

    To see the KPIs and a link to the statistics, you need group permission 608 (​Messaging: View Message Statistics​).

    To reschedule a message, you need group permission 618 (​Messaging: Schedule Message Sendout​).


    The actions that are available for each message depend on the status of the message and the message type. For example, some actions only apply to split messages.




    Opens the ​Message Preview​ window in a separate window. In this window, you can view your message, review the personalizations, and send a copy of the message to yourself or another address. For more information, see Email Message Preview (window)​.


    Opens step ​1. Type​ of the message creation process. You can edit a message at any time before the sendout starts. You cannot edit the content of the message after sendout.

    ​Edit Links​

    Opens a window where you can change the destination URL of the links in the message. Use this option to redirect the destination of a link after sendout. For more information, see Redirect Links After Sendout​. This option is only available for messages that have already been sent. For this action, you need group permission 623 ​Messaging: Edit link redirection and link categories​. You cannot change the destination of system links or personalized links.

    ​View Statistics​

    Opens the ​Message Statistics​ window, where you can review the performance of your message. For more information, see Message Statistics (window)​.


    Opens a window where you can change the scheduled sendout time of a message. This option is only available for messages that are scheduled for future sendout. This option is not available for split variants. You can change the scheduled sendout time at any time before the sendout starts.


    Immediately stops the message sendout without an additional confirmation message. You cannot resume a canceled sendout.

    • When you cancel ​Scheduled​ or ​Processed​ message, the message moves to the ​Prepared Messages​ window.

    • When you cancel an​Interrupted​ message, the message remains in the ​Outbox​ window.

    • To cancel a sendout that has ​In Process​ or ​In Transport​ status, first pause the sendout. To pause the sendout, click ​Pause​. If the sendout is already in process, some messages to your contacts were probably sent before the process paused.


    Pauses the message sendout without an additional confirmation message. To continue a paused sendout, click the ​Resume​.

    The sendout of all messages in Mapp Engage is divided into individual packages of tasks. Once the system starts processing a package of tasks, the sendout for the package cannot be stopped. The message is assigned the status ​Interrupting​. When sendout of the current package is complete, the system does not process the remaining packages. The message is assigned the status ​Interrupted​. When you pause part of a split sendout, Mapp Engage pauses sendout of all messages in the split sendout, including the main sendout.


    Resumes the sendout of a paused message. Message sendout continues from the point where it was interrupted. The message is assigned the same status as it had before the sendout was paused. When you resume part of a split sendout, Mapp Engage resumes sendout of all messages in the split sendout, including the main sendout.

    ​Delete Split Sendout​ or ​Cancel Split Sendout​

    Deletes or cancels the split sendout. To access these options, click the symbol.

    • ​Delete Split Sendout:​ Deletes the split sendout. All variants and the main sendout are permanently deleted.

    • ​Cancel Split Sendout​ Cancels the split sendout. The cancelled sendout cannot be rescheduled.




    Opens the ​Moderate Message​ window, where you can approve or reject a moderated message. Moderated messages are messages that require approval before sendout. For more information, see Message Moderation​. This option is only visible for moderated messages. This option is only visible to system users with the permission to moderate messages (group permission 602 ​Messaging: Moderate messages​).




    ​Group Name​ ​​

    Displays the name of the sendout group.


    Displays the email address of the sendout group. This address is not necessarily the from address that your contacts see in the inbox. You can see the from address in the ​Details​ area.


    Displays the subject line of the email message. The subject line is the text that your contacts see in their email inbox.


    Displays the name of the message in Mapp Engage. The message name is for internal use only. Your contacts do not see the message name.


    Displays the unique message ID. Mapp Engage assigns a unique message ID to every message when it is created.


    Displays the date and time when message sendout started. For more information about the sendout, expand the ​Details​ area.


    Displays the name of the system user who created the message.

    ​Confirmed Open Rate​

    The calculation of the performance indicators differs depending on whether the message is sent as a group or single message.

    • ​Group messages:​ The ​Confirmed Open Rate​ divides the number of unique confirmed openers by the total number of acMapp Engageted messages. Confirmed openers include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed or a link was clicked. If recipients opened the message with images suppressed and did not click any link, the open cannot be counted. ​For more information, see KPIs - Group Messages​.

    • ​Single messages:​ The Confirmed Open Rate divides the number of opened messages by the number of acMapp Engageted messages. For more information, see KPIs - Single Messages​.


    The calculation of the performance indicators differs depending on whether the message is sent as a group or single message.

    • ​Group messages: ​The CTR (Click Through Rate) divides the number of recipients who click a link in a message by the number of acMapp Engageted messages. For more information, see KPIs - Group Messages​.

    • ​Single messages:​ The CTR (Click Through Rate) displays the number of messages clicked divided by the number of acMapp Engageted messages. For more information, see KPIs - Single Messages​.


    Displays the sendout type of the message. The details of the message and the available KPIs depend on the message type.

    • ​Group Message:​ A group message is sent to most or all members of a group. For more information, see Group Messages and Single Messages in Mapp Engage​.

    • ​Single Message:​ A single message is sent to an individual contact. The Processed Messages Overview window only displays single messages that were sent with an automation (not with the API). All sendouts of a single message are aggregated together in one item in the table. For more information, see Group Messages and Single Messages in Mapp Engage​​.

    • ​Split Sendout:​ A split sendout is the simultaneous sendout of two or more variations of a message. Each version goes to a small portion of the total group. For more information, see Evaluating Split Message Statistics​.

      • ​Split Main:​ The message is the main message of the split sendout.

      • ​Split Variant:​ The message is a test variation that is sent as part of the split sendout.

      • ​:​ Shows the messages that are sent as part of the selected split sendout.

    • ​SuperMessage:​ The SuperMessage contains multiple submessages. The SuperMessage container is visible in the outbox while Mapp Engage processes and sends the submessages. Once Mapp Engage sends the SuperMessage, only the submessages remain visible in the outbox.

    • ​Submessage:​ A submessage is sent to one subgroup as part of a SuperMessage. The sendout of a SuperMessage results in the creation of a new message (the submessage) for each individual subgroup. For more information, see Sub- and SuperGroup Setups​. The submessages only become visible in the ​Outbox​ once the SuperMessage has been sent.


    • ​Scheduled:​ The message is scheduled for sendout at a future time. To change the scheduled sendout time, click the ​Reschedule​ button. To cancel the sendout, click the ​Cancel​ button.

    • ​Moderated:​ The moderator must approve or reject this message. For more information, see Message Moderation​.

    • ​In Process:​ Mapp Engage is preparing the message for sendout. During this process, Mapp Engage creates a personalized message for each contact. Mapp Engage has not yet sent the message to any contacts.

    • ​Processed:​ The processing phase is complete for this message. Message transport to the recipient MTA has not yet begun. The message remains in this status up until message transport begins. The status then changes from ​Processed​ to ​In Transport​. The status is only visible for messages that have been sent using the Transport Acceleration feature. For more information, see Transport Acceleration in the Sendout Process​.

    • ​In Transport:​ The transport phase has started. Message processing is still in progress or already completed. The message remains in this status up until message transport is complete. The status then changes from ​In Transport​ to ​Sent​. The status is only visible for messages that have been sent using the Transport Acceleration feature. For more information, see Transport Acceleration in the Sendout Process​.

    • ​ Paused:​ Message processing stopped temporarily. To continue a paused sendout, click ​Resume​.

      • ​Pausing:​ Mapp Engage has started to pause the sendout. The sendout of all messages in Mapp Engage is divided into individual packages of tasks. Once the system starts processing a package of tasks, the sendout for the package cannot be stopped. The ​Pausing​ status indicates that Mapp Engage is processing and sending a package of tasks. When processing of the current package is complete, the system does not send out the remaining chunks.

      • ​Paused:​ Mapp Engage has paused the sendout. Mapp Engage no longer sends messages from this sendout. To continue a paused sendout, click ​Resume​. To cancel the sendout permanently, click ​Cancel​.

    • ​Canceled:​ A system user ended the message sendout permanently. Depending on when the message sendout was canceled, it is possible that some messages were sent. Once a sendout is canceled, you cannot resume or reschedule the sendout.

    • ​Sent:​ The sendout process for this message is complete. You can now view the message statistics to see how well your message performed.

    • ​Prepared:​ The message sendout is a prepared message that Mapp Engage uses to send single messages. For more information about single messages, see Group Messages and Single Messages in Mapp Engage​.


    Displays the message ID. The system automatically assigns the ID number during sendout. The message ID is unique.


    Displays the date and time when message sendout started.


    Displays the name of the system user who created the message.


    When you update a whiteboard or automation and a message is rescheduled, Mapp Engage updates the outbox information automatically. If you deactivate a whiteboard or automation before sendout, Mapp Engage removes the message from the outbox automatically.


    This area provides additional information about the selected message.

    Different information is available for group or single messages. For more information, see Group Messages and Single Messages in Mapp Engage​.



    ​External Message ID​

    Shows a value that Mapp Engage adds to links in the message during sendout. This value is then transmitted to an external system, such as a web analytics tool or e-commerce shop.

    ​From Address​

    Shows the from-address that is displayed in the recipient inbox. This address can be different than the group email address. You define the from-address in the group settings. For more information, see Reply Handling (tab)​.


    Shows the estimated size of the message. The size is calculated on a personalized standard message that Mapp Engage creates. The size of individual messages in the sendout can vary.


    Shows the message category. A message category is a keyword that you assign to one or more related messages. Categories enable you to organize and identify related objects in the system. For more information, see Message Categories​.


    Shows any attachments that were sent with an email message.

    ​Processing Start​

    Shows when the message processing began. Message processing can be scheduled up to a maximum of 72 hours before message transfer. The time frame for message processing and message transport is defined in the ​Prepare Sendout​ window. For more information, see Configuration for Sendout​.

    ​Processing End​

    Shows when the message processing finished. If the entry is empty, message processing is not yet complete.


    Shows how long it took to process the message. If the entry is empty, message processing has not yet begun.

    ​Transport Start​

    Shows when the message transport began. The time frame for message processing and message transport is defined in the ​Prepare Sendout ​window. For more information, see Configuration for Sendout​.

    ​Transport End​

    Shows when the message transport finished. If the entry is empty, message processing is not yet complete.


    Shows how long it took to transport the message. If the entry is empty, message transport has not yet begun.

    ​Group Size​

    Shows the number of active members in the group when the sendout began. This number does not reflect whether any addresses appear on a blacklist or Robinson list. If the sendout has a selection, the group size is not displayed. A selection changes the final size of the sendout.


    Shows the name of the selection that is applied to the message. A selection finds contacts who match the criteria that you define. Use selections to send targeted messages to a specific audience. If you did not apply a selection to the sendout, this line is empty.


    Displays the number of addresses that Mapp Engage skipped before sendout. Mapp Engage can skip an address during sendout for several reasons. For example, the address is on a blacklist or Robinson list. You can view the specific reasons why addresses were skipped in the ​Statistics​ area. For more information, see Skipped Messages (tab)​.

    ​Messages Sent​

    Shows the total number of the Mapp Engage mail transfer agent (MTA) sent.

    ​Hard Bounces​

    Shows the number of messages that Mapp Engage MTA sent, but the MTA of the recipient refused. Hard bounces never reach the inbox of the recipient due to a permanent condition. For example, a non-existent email address.


    Shows the number of messages that the MTA of the recipient accepted. This count includes all messages that are delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders of the recipient.

    This information is displayed for group messages only.

    ​Confirmed Openers​

    Shows the number of contacts who opened a message. If a recipient opens a message several times, Mapp Engage registers only one of the events. Confirmed opens include all emails for which a tracking pixel is downloaded or in which a link is clicked.

    This information is displayed for group messages only.


    Shows the number of contacts who clicked a link in the message. If a recipient clicks more than one link in a message, Mapp Engage registers only one of the events. For more information, see Link Analysis (tab)​.

    This information is displayed for group messages only.

    ​Conversions (Unique)​

    Shows the number of contacts who completed a defined conversion. For example, the number of contacts who made a purchase. For more information, see Calculation of Conversions​.

    This information is displayed for group messages only.

    Details for Split Sendouts​

    For more information, see Evaluating Split Message Statistics​.



    ​Main Sendout Criteria​

    Displays which criteria were used to evaluate message performance and to determine which variation was sent as the main sendout. The criteria that are shown here are defined when the split sendout is created.

    ​Date Sent (Main Sendout)​

    Displays the date and time when the main sendout was started.

    ​Number of Variations​

    Shows the number of message variations in the split test, and the percentage of all group recipients who received a split variant. This number excludes the main sendout, even if the main sendout was automatically started as a part of the split sendout process.

    ​ % of group size:​ Shows the percentage of the group to which a split sendout was sent. This percent excludes the main sendout, even if the main sendout was automatically started as a part of the split sendout process.

    ​Attribute for Uniform Distribution​

    Shows the attribute that is selected for uniform distribution in the split sendout. If no attribute is selected for uniform distribution, group members are selected randomly and the entry then displays ​Random​. When an attribute was used for uniform distribution, it is displayed here.

    General Page Options​




    Filters the table to display only active or archived entries.

    • ​Active:​ Displays all active sendouts. Active sendouts include all test sendouts and real sendouts that are not archived.

    • ​Test Sendouts:​ Displays all test sendouts that are not archived. Test sendouts are messages that you send only to the test recipients in a group. You start a test sendout in the ​Message Preview​ window. For more information, see Send Test Message to Test Recipients​.

    • ​Non-Test Sendouts:​ Displays all sendouts that are not test sendouts and that are not archived.

    • ​Archived:​ Displays all archived entries.

    ​Filter ​

    Filters the entries according to the values in the filter fields. It is possible to combine multiple filter criteria.

    ​Remove Filter​

    Removes all filters and displays all available entries.

    ​Visible Rows​

    Changes the number of rows that are displayed per page.

    Navigates to the next or previous page of results. The arrows appear when not all entries can be displayed on one page.

    ​Select All​

    Selects all visible entries.


    Archives any selected entries. Archived entries cannot be used, but remain stored in the system.


    Deletes any selected entries, after an additional confirmation question.


    Reactivates the selected entries. The button is only visible for archived entries. After reactivation, it is possible to restart the sendout or use the message as a template for further sendouts.

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