Product Interest Mapping
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    Product Interest Mapping

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    Article summary

    This topic describes how to identify contacts who are interested in a certain product category. This identification is based on the number of times they clicked a link category in the last six months.

    This information is added to the profiles for the contacts. You can use this data for future marketing campaigns.

    As an alternative, you can also create a mapping that compares the total number of clicks by different categories. Assign the order of paragraphs in an email depending on the preferred interest level of the contact.

    Tab. : Example




    Identify contacts who are interested in garden products.

    Find all contacts who clicked a link with the link category ​Garden​ at least 5 times and have clicked in the last 6 months.

    Assign these contacts the value ​True​ (Boolean) in a custom attribute ​GardenShoppers​.

    Identify contacts who are interested in sports products.

    Find all contacts who clicked a link with the link category ​Sports​ at least 5 times and have clicked in the last 6 months.

    Assign these contacts the value ​True​ (Boolean) in a custom attribute ​SportsShoppers​.

    Background Information​

    This scenario uses the following functions.



    • Create selections that are based on contact interest profiles.

    • Send more targeted email messages.

    • Show your customers the products in which you you know they are interested.


    Repeat these steps for each type of product you want to track.

    1. In the ​Administration​ > ​Categories​ area, create a link category. Assign this category to links of the corresponding product type.
      Example: Create a link category with the name ​Garden​.

    2. In the ​Administration​ > ​Attributes​ area, create three new custom attributes.

      Data Type




      Stores the total number of clicks for this link category.



      Stores the date of last click for this link category.



      Stores whether a contact is interested in this type of product (true or false).


    3. In the ​Automation​ area, create a whiteboard with two event-based automations.
      Tab. : Automation 1: Store Number of Clicks

      Event Module

      Event-Based Job Module

      Event: ​Message Link Clicked (C)​.

      Link Category: Select the link category that you created in step 1. Example: ​Garden​.

      Job​: ​Increase or Decrease Profile Attribute Value (C)​.

      Contact​: ​Use Event Parameter​.

      Attribute​: Select the number attribute that you created in step 2. Example: ​GardenTotalClicks​

      Amount​: 1


    Repeat these steps for each type of product you want to track.

    1. In the ​Automation​ area, create a new profile-based automation with the type ​Mapping​.

    2. From the ​Target Attribute​ drop-down list, select the Boolean attribute that you created in step 2. Example: ​GardenShoppers​.

    3. Enter the following condition.
      Tab. : Mapping



      ${(user.CustomAttribute['GardenTotalClicks']>= 5 && ecm:between(user.CustomAttribute['GardenLastClickDate'], ecm:addInterval(date['Today'], '-6M'), ecm:addInterval(ecm:addInterval(ecm:addInterval(date['Today'], '-6M'), '6M'), '1d')))}


    4. From the ​Default​ drop-down list, select ​False​.

    5. Click the ​Save​ button.

    6. Select the profile-based automation and click the ​Activate​ button.
      ⇒ The profile-based automation is now active.

    7. Click the ​Apply Automations​ button.
      ⇒ Mapp Engage applies the automation to all contacts in the system. This application can take a long time. An email notifies you when the automation is finished.

    You can now send messages with the link category you created in step 1. Mapp Engage uses this link category to track interests of contacts in different product groups.

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