Profile Enrichment
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    Profile Enrichment

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    Article summary


    Set up an ongoing program that stores open, click, purchase and interest data in contacts' profiles.

    This program runs continuously in your Mapp Engage system. That way you are always collecting data about your contacts.


    • Build a solid data foundation for personalized, targeted marketing.

    • Use the data you store here for other scenarios.


    Set up conversion tracking. Conversion tracking tracks when a contact reaches the purchase confirmation page on your website. See Conversion Tracking​. Each conversion tracking event you create has a unique name in the system. You need to know the name of the conversion tracking event before you start setting up an automation.


    This procedure has two parts.

    A) Create new custom user attributes. You need a separate attribute for each type of data you want to store.

    B) Create event-based automations. You need a separate event-based automation for each type of data you want to store.

    A) Create Custom User Attributes​

    In the ​Administration​ > Attributes​ area, create the following new custom user attributes.

    Attribute Name

    Data Type




    Stores the date and time when the contact last clicked a link in a message.



    Stores the date and time when the contact last opened a message.



    Stores the date and time when the contact last purchased from your shop (based on conversion tracking).



    Stores the total number of times a contact clicks on your messages.



    Stores the total number of times a contact opened one of your messages.



    Stores the total number of times your contact has completed a purchase in your shop.

    You can also use this automation to track different link categories. To do so, create two additional attributes for each link category you want to track. One tracks the date of last click on any link in this category. The other tracks the total number of clicks on any link in this category. For more information about using this data, see ​Product Interest Mapping​.

    Attribute Name

    Data Type



    Example: ​GardenClickDate​


    Stores the date and time when the contact last clicked a link with a certain link category. Use this to collect data about your contacts' shopping interests (e.g. sportswear, menswear, jewellery).


    Example: ​GardenTotalClicks​


    Stores the total number of clicks on this link category.

    B) Create Event-based Automations​

    1. In the ​Automation​ area, create a new whiteboard.

    2. Drag modules onto the whiteboard.
      Add an ​Event​ module and an ​Event-based job​ module for each type of data you want to store.
      To track all of the data listed above, you need 7 ​Event​ modules and 7 ​Event-based job​ modules.

    3. Drag and drop between the connection   buttons. Connect each ​Event​ module to an ​Event-based job​ module.

    4. Define the module settings as follows:




    Job Settings

    Attribute Name

    Stores the date and time when the contact last clicked a link in a message.

    ​Message Link Clicked (C) ​

    ​Store Data in Profile Attribute (C)​

    Contact: Select the check box ​Use Event Parameter​

    Add an additional parameter. Select the attribute ​LastClickDate.​ From the drop-down list, select ​Event Processing Date.​


    Stores the date and time when the contact last opened a message.

    ​Message Opened (C) ​

    ​Store Data in Profile Attribute (C)​

    Contact: Select the check box ​Use Event Parameter​

    ​​ Add an additional parameter. Select the attribute ​LastOpenDate.​ From the drop-down list, select ​Event Processing Date.​ ​​


    Stores the date and time when the contact last purchased from your shop (based on conversion tracking).

    ​Conversion Registered (C)​

    ​Store Data in Profile Attribute (C)​

    Contact: Select the check box ​Use Event Parameter​

    Add an additional parameter. Select the attribute ​LastPurchaseDate.​ From the drop-down list, select ​Event Processing Date.​ ​​


    Stores the total value of purchases your contact has completed in your shop.

    ​Conversion Registered (C)​

    ​Increase or Decrease Profile Attribute Value (C)​

    Contact: Select the check box ​Use Event Parameter​

    Attribute Name: Select ​TotalPurchases​

    Amount: 1 ​​ ​​


    Stores the total number of times a contact opened one of your messages.

    ​Message Link Clicked (C) ​

    ​Increase or Decrease Profile Attribute Value (C)​

    Contact: Select the check box ​Use Event Parameter​

    Attribute Name: Select ​TotalClicks​

    Amount: 1


    Stores the total number of times your contact has completed a purchase in your shop.

    ​Message Opened (C) ​

    ​Increase or Decrease Profile Attribute Value (C)​

    Contact: Select the check box ​Use Event Parameter​

    Attribute Name: Select ​TotalOpens​

    Amount: 1 ​​


    Stores the date and time when the contact clicks a link with a certain link category.

    ​Message Link Clicked (C) ​

    Select the message category in the event.

    ​Store Data in Profile Attribute (C)​

    Contact: Select the check box ​Use Event Parameter​

    Add an additional parameter. Select the attribute ​LinkCategory.​ From the drop-down list, select ​Event Processing Date.​ ​​


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