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    Article summary

    With the help of additional page parameters, you can measure the effectiveness of publishers' websites.

    To create publisher page parameters, proceed as follows:

    1. Log in to your Mapp Q3 account and go to Configuration > Custom Parameters > Page Parameter > Create new custom parameter.

    2. Add title and select from the preconfigured dropdown list one of the predefined parameters, which are used for publisher tracking:

      • Article heading

      • Page title

      • Page type

      • Page length

      • Days since publication

      • Paywall calls

      • Content tags

    3. Click Save to save your settings.


    Article title

    Pass the current article headline here.

    Manual tracking

    wts.push(["articleTitle", "Article heading"]);

    Page title

    Pass the page title here.

    Manual tracking

    wts.push(["pageTitle", "Title of the page"]);

    Page type

    Pass the page type here.

    Manual tracking

    wts.push(["pageType", "Type of page"]);

    Page length

    Pass the page length here, i.e. short, medium, long.

    Manual tracking

    wts.push(["pageLength", "Length of the page"]);

    Days since publication

    Pass the number of days since the publication of the current content here.

    Manual tracking

    wts.push(["daysSincePublication", "3"]);

    Paywall calls

    Pass the info if the user saw a paywall here.

    Manual tracking

    wts.push(["paywall", "1"]); // Paywall calls [1, 0]

    Content tags

    Pass the tags of the content here.

    Manual tracking

    wts.push(["contentTags", "Tags of an article"]);

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