Raw Data Export
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    Raw Data Export

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    Article summary

    In our Mapp Intelligence tool, you can comprehensively track and analyze various data points, such as pages, events, products, and more. This enhanced capability allows for a detailed understanding of user behavior. This documentation provides an in-depth overview of the raw data available through Mapp’s raw data export, including descriptions and technical details of the individual tables. By leveraging this data, you can derive meaningful insights and optimize your business strategies effectively.

    Using the raw data export feature, you have the capability to export all the tracked data within the system. This allows you to pull the data into any external system for advanced analysis and processing. Common tools used for such analysis include databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL, data processing frameworks like Apache Spark, and data visualization tools like Tableau or Power BI. This flexibility enables you to perform custom analyses tailored to your specific needs and integrate Mapp Intelligence data with your existing analytical workflows.


    To use the raw data export, the following prerequisites must be met:

    • The feature Raw data export must be activated for you. If this is not yet the case, contact the Mapp Support Team.

    • To configure the raw data export, you need administrator rights in Mapp Q3.

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