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    Article summary

    All sources used to access a website can be analyzed via campaign analyses. You can send a campaign for the data source "URL parameter" in a request. Campaign tracking is configured under Configuration > Marketing Configuration in Mapp Q3. Find more information on the training documents on campaign configuration and campaign analyses


    ValueDescriptionData typeDefault valueRequiredWhere to analyzeRequest Parameter
    idComprises a media code name and value. E.g., "wt_mc%3Dnewsletter.2023.42.v1"
    Don't forget to use URL encoding! For example, "=" is URL encoded "%3D".
                                              String                 -Yes                                          Marketing > Campaigns > Advertising Media                 mc
    mediaCodeIf you use media codes as a data source for your campaign tracking, entering the name of the media code parameter can increase tracking accuracy. This will prevent blocking the media code from firewalls. E.g., "wt_mc".                                          String[]                                                           ["mc", "wt_mc"]                 ---
    oncePerSessionWhen set to true each campaign is only tracked once within a particular session. The Pixel will then overwrite the campaign with "ignore" for all subsequent page requests.                                                           Boolean                                                           false                 ---
    parameterUse campaign parameters to add additional information to a campaign. Find more details below.                                          Object                 --                                          Marketing > Campaigns > Campaign Parameters

    Further information


    Parameters must be set up under Mapp Q3 > Configuration> Custom Parameters > CampaignParameter before use. The ID and data type are defined for each parameter during setup. Find more info here. Campaign parameters can be entered directly in the page configuration or added to the target URL.Example for page configuration (parameter with ID "1"): {1:"position-1"}Example for sending the parameter via URL (parameter with ID "1"):
    If the same parameters are used for the URL and the page configuration, the latter takes precedence and overwrites the URL parameter.

    Implementation Example

    import { WebtrekkSmartPixelReact, WebtrekkCampaignData } from "@webtrekk-smart-pixel/react";
    import { WebtrekkSmartPixelReact, WebtrekkCampaignData } from "@webtrekk-smart-pixel/next";

    If you do not have automatic page tracking enabled, invoke the track method after adding all relevant tracking information.

         id: "wt_mc%3Den.internal.newsletter.2017.05",
         mediaCode: ["mc", "wt_mc"],
         oncePerSession: false,
         parameter: {1: "Newsletter 123"}

    If you do not have automatic page tracking enabled, invoke the track method after adding all relevant tracking information.

        return (
                    mediaCode={ ["mc", "wt_mc"] }
                    oncePerSession={ false }
                    parameter={ {1: "Newsletter 123"} }

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