Reactivate a Coupon List
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    Reactivate a Coupon List

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    Article summary


    To reactivate an archived coupon list.

    Background Information

    Only active coupon lists can be added to messages. Archived coupon lists must be reactivated before they are used for message sendout (see ​Archive a Coupon List​).


    The Coupon Manager is a billable feature that must be activated for your system. To activate the coupon manager, contact your customer service representative.

    It is not possible to add the placeholder of an archived coupon list to a message

    However, if a list that is still in use (for example in a scheduled activity such as a birthday message) is archived after it was included in a message, coupons continue to be sent from the archived list as long as the supply of coupons lasts.

    If a message contains the placeholder for a deleted list, the sendout fails.


    1. In the Main Navigation​, click Content​ > Voucher Manager​ > Coupon.
      ⇒ The Coupon Lists Overview​ window opens.

    2. From the Show​ drop-down list, select Archived​.
      ⇒ The archived coupon lists display.

    3. Click the checkbox at the end of the row for the coupon lists you would like to reactivate.

    4. Click Reactivate​.

    5. To view the reactivated coupon lists, choose Active​ from the drop-down list Show​.
      ⇒ All active coupon lists display.

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