Reactivate Contacts by Response Category
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    Reactivate Contacts by Response Category

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    Article summary


    To reactivate all members in a response category.

    You can reactivate the contacts in this response category for one group only, or for all groups in the system.

    Background Information​

    When a contact is deactivated in Mapp Engage, the contact does not receive messages over any channel (email, SMS, or mobile push).

    When Mapp Engage deactivates a contact in a group, the system also automatically deactivates the contact system-wide. This is helpful if you use multiple Mapp Engage groups for sendout. System-wide deactivation is a safety measure that helps you to prevent sendout to bad addresses across your entire Mapp Engage system.

    During this procedure, you decide whether to reactivate contacts for one group or system-wide


    1. In the ​main navigation​, click ​Audience​ > ​Deactivated​.

    2. From the ​Group​ drop-down list, select a group

    3. Next to the response category you want to reactivate, click Reactivate​. Mapp Engage asks you to confirm the group-wide reactivation. Click the ​OK​ button.
      The contacts are reactivated in the group. The contact can once again receive messages from the group.
      Mapp Engage asks you whether you want to reactivate the contacts in this response category system-wide

    4. To reactivate the contacts system-wide, click the ​OK​ button
      The contacts in this response category are reactivated in all Mapp Engage groups. The contacts can once again receive messages from any group in the system

    Related Topics​

    ​Reactivate a Contact​
    Reactivate System-Wide Deactivated Contacts by Category​

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