Read Online Link - Read Mobile Link
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    Read Online Link - Read Mobile Link

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    Article summary

    The recipients of your newsletters use different end devices and email clients to read your messages.

    The use of different devices and email clients creates problems for designing messages and for individualizing messages for the various recipients. Mapp Engage offers a possibility to add a link to email messages to open a mobile or online version of messages.

    The message is then available for viewing in a web browser. All end devices can then correctly display the design. Even recipients with display problems in their email client can view an optimized version of the message in a web browser.

    A web or mobile version that is hosted on the web avoids almost all of the problems of display in various email clients and devices. Even when you use media queries to adapt messages to end devices or to monitor sizes, a link to a web and mobile version is helpful.

    For more information, see ​Adapt Emails to Mobile Devices and Clients​.

    Read Online Link​

    The ​Read Online Link​ is a Mapp Engage Variable that you can drag and drop into your email. Mapp Engage creates a version of your email and makes this version available on a web page. When your contacts click this link, they can read the email in their web browsers.

    Include this link in every email. This link ensures that contacts who have problems with the display of your email in their inboxes.can still read your message.

    There are two versions of this variable: one for an HTML email and one for a text email.

    To create the link to the landing page, drag and drop the variable into your email message. The variable has the form of a placeholder that appears within tags, like this: <% ... % > During sendout, the placeholder is replaced with the link to the correct landing page.

    For instructions, see ​Insert a Read Online Link​.

    Online Mobile Version​

    To create a mobile version, the design must be reconsidered. You can redirect the link to special mobile websites or to your own website. In this case, add the Read Mobile link to the message, and create a second version of the message with a separate layout. This second version is marked with special tags. During sendout, a second message version is created using the mobile version. This version can be viewed on a website from the link in the email.

    For instructions, see ​Create a Mobile Version of an Email​.

    CMS users do not need to add a second version of the message manually with Mapp Engage Variables. You can adapt the CMS template so that the template does most of this work. With a CMS template, you can concentrate on the message creation.

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