Recipient Activity (window)
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    Recipient Activity (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the main navigation, click   Statistics​  > ​Group Messages​ > Email.

    2. In the  ​Actions​  column, click    |  ​View Statistics​  or the    symbol.

    3. In the Recipient Activity​ area, click ​View Details​.

      Click ​Recipient Activity.

    The Recipient Activity window​

    The  ​Recipient Activity​  window provides information about recipient activity that takes place after the message is received: opens, clicks, and forwards. The Recipient Activity​ window is divided into separate tabs. These are ​Link Analysis​,​ Link Category Analysis​,​ Target Group Analysis​,​Variation Analysis, and  ​Device Analysis.

    Basic Information​

    This area provides general information about a message and makes it possible to identify the sent message. This area remains visible and unaltered regardless of which tab is being viewed.

    • Subject:  This entry displays the subject of the message. The subject is displayed to the recipients as the subject line of the message in their inbox. The subject line also helps you to identify the message in the system. It is obligatory for sendout.

    • Message ID:  This entry displays the message ID that is automatically assigned by the system during sendout. The message ID is unique.

    • Group:  This entry displays the name of the group to which the message was sent.

    • Sendout:  This entry displays the date and time on which the sendout was started.

    Key Performance Indicators​

    This area remains visible and unaltered regardless of which tab is being viewed.

    • Accepted / Accepted Rate:  This entry displays the number and rate of recipients of the message.

      • Accepted:  This is the number of messages that were accepted by the email provider's Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes emails delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client-server and did not produce a bounce.
        According to the eec, accepted messages are calculated as follows:
        ​Accepted = Messages Sent − Bounced​

      • Accepted Rate:  This entry displays the percentage of messages that were accepted by the receiving Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes emails delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client-server and did not produce a bounce.
        The Accepted Rate is calculated according to the eec as follows:

        ​Accepted Rate = Accepted messages / Messages Sent​

    • Confirmed Openers /Confirmed Open Rate:  This entry displays the number and rate of opens for the message.

      • Confirmed Openers:  This entry displays the number of recipients who opened a message. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts one time. Confirmed opens include all emails where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked.

      • Confirmed Open Rate:  This is the number of unique confirmed openers divided by the total number of accepted messages. Confirmed opens include all messages where the tracking pixel was displayed and/or a link was clicked.
        The Confirmed Open Rate is calculated according to the eec as follows:

        Confirmed Open Rate = Confirmed Opens / Accepted messages​

    • Clickers / CTR:  This entry displays the number and rate of clicks on message links at the domain.

      • Clickers:  This entry displays the number of recipients who have clicked on any link in the message. If a recipient clicks more than one link in the message, this only counts one time. The statistical analysis of link clicks is available under the Link Analysis (tab).

      • CTR (Click Through Rate):  the number of recipients who click on any link in a message divided by the number of accepted messages.
        The CTR is calculated according to the eec as follows:

        ​CTR = Clickers / Accepted messages​

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