Related Data: Add / Update Record
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    Related Data: Add / Update Record

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    Article summary

    This job adds and/or updates a related data record.




    Related Data Set

    Lets you select the related data set that you want to update. Only data sets with a linked attribute appear in the drop-down list.

    Data Set Key

    Automatically displays the data set key.


    Available methods:

    • Add & Update

    • Add

    • Update

    Column Values

    • Add Column: lets you add field where you can specify details of the column

    • Column: lets you choose a specific column from the selected related data set.

    • Value: lets you define a column value. The format of this value depends on the value type, for example, it can be a boolean (true or false), or a date format, etc..

    If you don't specify the column, the system uses the default value. 

    If there is no default value, the record will be empty.


    This field is optional.

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    Related Data

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