Related Data: Record Deleted (S)
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    Related Data: Record Deleted (S)

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    Article summary

    This event initiates job execution when a record is deleted from a related data set. The record is deleted with the API method ​relatedDataDeleteRecord​.


    Depending on the content of the API call, more than one record may be deleted. However, the automation only executes once per API call


    In Mapp Engage, the designation ​(S)​ means system-related. Generally, you only combine ​system (S) events​ with ​system (S) jobs​. For more information, see Contact (C) vs. System (S) Automations



    Defines the name of the automation. The name is used to identify the automation in the system. The maximum length is 100 characters.


    Provides information about the automation. The description makes it easier to identify the automation in the system.


    Selects the type of event that, when combined with a job, forms the automation. Every time this event occurs, the system executes the dependent job. The job is defined in the ​Edit Event-based Job​ window.

    Define Event​

    This area defines the specific parameters of the event.

    • Related Data Set: This drop-down field defines the related data set from which the record is deleted

    • Related Data Key: These fields limit the event to records with a specific related data key. When blank, the event includes all records, with any key.

      • Equals: The related data key exactly matches the value in the input field.

      • Does Not Equal: The related data key does not match the value in the input field.

      • Starts with: The related data key starts with the value in the input field.

      • Ends with: The related data key ends with the value in the input field.

      • Matches [Regex]: The related data key matches the regular expression in the input field.

    • Case Insensitive: This checkbox ignores differences in uppercase and lowercase.

    • Amount: These fields limit the event to a certain number of records deleted.

      • =: The number of records deleted equals the value in the input field.

      • !=: The number of records deleted does not equal the value in the input field.

      • >: The number of records deleted is greater than the value in the input field.

      • <: The number of records deleted is less than the value in the input field.

    • Parameters: These fields are not appropriate for this event.


    The following actions are available:

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