Remove Contacts from Groups and Systems
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    Remove Contacts from Groups and Systems

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    Article summary

    The ability to maintain a clean database of current contacts is essential for effective digital marketing. Contacts expect an easy, immediate, and hassle-free unsubscribe process. Mapp Engage makes it easy for your contacts to opt out of a newsletter.

    Proper contact maintenance also protects your deliverability. If you continue to send messages to old addresses, it can have a negative impact on your deliverability rates.

    Mapp Engage provides several ways to prevent sendout a contact. These methods include

    It is important to understand the different methods and how they affect data on your system.

    Unsubscribe Contacts from a Mapp Engage Group​

    An unsubscribe is when your contact indicates that they do not want to receive messages from a Mapp Engage group. You can send an optional confirmation message. This message lets the contact know that the unsubscribe was successful.

    Members who unsubscribe from a group are counted as unsubscribes in the statistics. This record is tracked in the ​Contact Statistics​ area of Mapp Engage.

    An unsubscribe is valid for one Mapp Engage group. Other group memberships for this contact remain unaffected.

    When a contact unsubscribes, group-specific data (member attributes and group membership statistics) are deleted for this contact. All other profile data remains unaffected.



    Add an unsubscribe link to every email.

    We recommend that you add an easy-to-find unsubscribe link to every email message. Mapp Engage offers a Mapp Engage Variable that makes it easy to insert this link into a message. If you use a CMS message, a paragraph that contains an unsubscribe link is included in the master template. You can add a custom link that records the unsubscribe request in an external system.

    For more information, see ​Add an Unsubscribe Link to an Email​.

    Create a list-unsubscribe header.

    The list-unsubscribe header is used in group sendouts to give the recipient a clearly visible option to unsubscribe. When you add the header, ISPs that support the functionality add an unsubscribe option to the user interface of the email client. You configure this header in the sendout options of the group. This header provides a visible unsubscribe option that reduces the overall number of spam complaints.

    For more information, see ​List-Unsubscribe Headers​.

    React to certain words in email replies.

    Mapp Engage can filter all incoming emails for words that you define. Replies that contain key words, for example "unsubscribe" or "do not contact", result in an unsubscribe. Mapp Engage unsubscribes the contacts automatically.

    For more information, see ​Unsubscribe Contact Based on Key Words in Reply​.

    Automatically unsubscribe contacts based on their behavior

    You can create an event-based automation that unsubscribes a contact when the contact performs a certain action.

    Provide a customized landing page for unsubscribes.

    You can offer contacts a landing page where the contact can unsubscribe. This landing page contacts Mapp Engage directly, and Mapp Engage removes the contact from the group that is associated with the page. This landing page is a customized web page that must be created for you. The landing page can be connected with one or more groups, or can be used to manage unsubscribes for the whole system. Contact your account manager if you would like to develop a landing page for unsubscribes.

    Unsubscribe via API

    You can use the ​Mapp Engage API​ to unsubscribe contacts from Mapp Engage.

    Remove Contacts from a Mapp Engage Group​

    You can remove contacts from a Mapp Engage group at any time. A removal is valid for one Mapp Engage group. Other group memberships for this contact remain unaffected.

    You can remove members manually, with an import file or with an automation.

    Members who are removed from a group are not contacted again for confirmation. Members who are removed from a group are not counted as unsubscribes in the statistics.

    When you remove a contact, group-specific data (member attributes and group membership statistics) are deleted for this contact. All other profile data remains unaffected.



    Remove contacts with an import file.

    You can use the ​Remove​ import mode to remove contacts from a Mapp Engage group.

    This action deletes group-specific information for the contact, such as member attributes. This method is helpful if you manage contacts in an external system (for example, a CRM system).

    For instructions, see ​Remove Group Members with File Import​.

    For more information about import modes, see ​Import Contacts​.

    Remove contacts automatically based on their behavior.

    You can create an event-based automation that removes a contact from a Mapp Engage group when they perform a certain action. The removal is not recorded as an unsubscribe in the group statistics. The contact does not receive a confirmation email.

    You can use the following automation jobs to remove members from a Mapp Engage group:

    ​Remove Member From Group (C)​

    ​Remove Member From All Groups (C)​

    Remove contacts from a group manually.

    You can manually remove members from a group in the ​Group Members​ window.

    For more information, see ​Group Members (tab)​.

    Remove contacts with the Mapp Engage API.

    You can use the ​Mapp Engage API​ to remove contacts from a Mapp Engage group. Use the delete method in the membership domain. The API call deletes the membership (not the contact).

    Remove Contacts from the Mapp Engage System​

    When you remove a contact from the system, you permanently delete their address data, profile data, and message history from the entire Mapp Engage system. This action cannot be reversed.

    Statistical history remains in the system. No new statistical information is recorded.



    Remove contacts automatically based on their behavior.

    You can create an event-based automation that deletes a contact when they perform a certain action.

    For example, ​Response Received (C)​ + ​Delete Contact (C)​ can be used to delete contacts with invalid addresses.

    For more information, see ​Delete Contact (C)​.

    Delete contacts from Mapp Engage manually.

    You can manually remove members from an entire Mapp Engage system in the ​All Contacts​ window.

    For instructions, see ​Delete Contact​.

    Delete contacts with the Mapp Engage API.

    You can use the ​Mapp Engage API​ to remove contacts from a Mapp Engage system. Use the delete method in the user domain.

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