Reply Handling (tab)
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    Reply Handling (tab)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    Audience > Group Management > Groups​ >Change Settings >  ​Reply Handling

    What can I do in this window?

    The "Reply Handling" tab in Mapp Engage allows you to configure settings for handling replies to email and SMS sendouts. This document covers the essential configurations and best practices to optimize your system's performance and ensure smooth communication with your contacts.

    Email Settings

    From Address​

    The From Address is the email address that appears as the sender in the recipient's inbox when you send an email. Mapp Engage automatically enables DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) for optimal email deliverability and brand protection. This feature allows the use of different FROM domains without risking delivery issues.

    Always send emails from an authorized domain to avoid being marked as spam by email clients like Google and Yahoo. For more information, see DMARC and Email Authentication.



    Defined Address

    • Name: (Optional) This name appears as the sender in the recipient's inbox. If not defined, the email address is displayed.

    • Email: (Mandatory) The email address used for sendouts.

    Ensure that the email domain matches the authorized domain in your Mapp Engage system. Placeholders can be used for personalization, but Insert-If expressions are not allowed.

    Message Author

    Uses the email address and name of the message author. Verify that the email address that Mapp Engage has for the message author matches the email domain that is authorized for your Mapp Engage system.

    Name and Email of the Group

    Uses the group’s predefined name and email address. This setting ensures optimal deliverability.

    To Address​

    This is the address that appears as the recipient in the inbox.



    Name and Email of the Recipient

    Displays the recipient’s name and email. If no name is stored, only the email address is shown.

    Personalized To Address

    Adds attribute values to the To Address, such as the recipient’s first and last name. Personalization placeholders are used, and the email address is included automatically.
    Example<%${user['FirstName']}%><%${user['LastName']}%> uses the first and last name of the recipient for the ​To Address​. The email address is included automatically. The recipient sees John Smith (

    Name and Email of the Group

    Uses the group’s predefined name and email address.

    Email Reply Handling​

    When sending emails via Mapp Engage, you can manage the recipients' replies, including automatic responses, questions, service requests, and feedback. Mapp Engage offers several options for handling these replies:



    ​Send Directly to Address​

    Sends replies directly to the specified email address without filtering or storing copies. The email address that you define becomes the reply address for the sendout. The email address for sendout in the group and the custom reply address, therefore, do not match.

    ​Send to Group Owner and Managers​

    Forwards all replies to system users with group owner and manager roles.

    Store in IMAP (Exclude Auto-responses)​

    Stores copies of all messages in your IMAP folder, filtering auto-responses. For more information, see ​Access the Inbox with IMAP.

    ​Store in IMAP (Include Auto-responses)​

    Stores copies of all messages in your IMAP folder without filtering auto-responses. For more information, see ​Access the Inbox with IMAP.

    ​Send to Message Author​

    Forwards all replies to the message author.all replies to the message author.

    ​Treat as Unsubscribe Request​

    Automatically unsubscribes the group member who replies. The contact receives an unsubscribe confirmation. The unsubscribe is recorded in the statistics for the message.

    ​Ignore and Delete​

    Deletes all incoming emails without taking action.

    ​Send Personalized Reply to Address​

    Sends a system message (SysMsgEmbeddedReply) along with the reply.

    • By default, the system message contains the name of the reply's creator, the group, and the sendout address of the original message.

    • It is possible to insert additional, personalized information about the person who writes the reply (see ​Edit Default System Messages​).

    ​Initiate Event-based Automation​

    Triggers an automation event whenever a reply is received. For more information, see ​Message Reply Received (C).

    The reply handling method affects the ​Reply To​ address in your email header. When a recipient clicks the ​Reply​ in an email, the recipient sees the ​Reply To​ address in the ​To​ field of the reply email. Some of the options allow you to define a name and email address:

    • Name: Defines the name of the person

    • Email: Defines a specific, individual reply address. Input of an email address is required. Personalization placeholders can be entered in the ​Name​ and ​Email​ input fields. If a valid from address cannot be generated from the placeholders during sendout, the name and email address of the group are used.

    SMS Settings

    Outbound Mobile ID​

    The ​Outbound Mobile ID​ field stores the TPOA (Transmission Path Originating Address). The TPOA is a header field in an SMS message. On their mobile phones, your recipients see the TPOA displayed as the sender of the message.

    This field contains the number or identifier of the message sender. This identifier depends on the type of code you use for sendout.

    Outbound Mobile ID


    Shared Short Code with Keyword

    If you use a shared short code and multiple keywords in one Mapp Engage system, multiple groups share the short code as an outbound mobile ID. Example: PIZZA

    Dedicated Short Code

    Shortcode example: 88888

    Long Number

    Long number example: 441234567890

    Alphanumeric Outbound Mobile ID​

    If you prefer not to use a mobile code for the ​Outbound Mobile ID, you can create a custom alphanumeric TPOA, such as your company name.

    TPOA Length Limits:

    • Up to 16 characters for a number (e.g., a phone number).

    • Up to 11 characters for an alphanumeric code (e.g., a company name).

    Note: The TPOA cannot include underscores, spaces, or special characters.


    • Recipients see your company name as the sender on their mobile phones.


    • Recipients cannot reply directly to the SMS, so you must include unsubscribe instructions in the message, reducing the available character count.

    • If using a shared short code and keyword, you must provide the keyword to your contacts.

    Inbound Mobile ID​

    The inbound mobile ID is registered with SMS service providers. Contacts use this ID to reply to an SMS message or to contact the group.

    The inbound mobile ID is either a unique number or a keyword, depending on your SMS setup. For more information, see ​SMS Code Types.

    You can use each inbound mobile ID for only one Mapp Engage group. You cannot reuse the keyword in other Mapp Engage groups.

    Inbound Mobile ID Type


    Shared Short Code with Keyword

    Keyword example: PIZZA

    Dedicated Short Code

    Shortcode example: 88888

    Long Number

    Long number example: 441234567890

    SMS Unsubscribe Process

    • Like email, SMS marketing requires an unsubscribe process. To unsubscribe, your contacts need an inbound mobile ID they can reply to.

    • Do not send SMS messages without an inbound mobile ID in place.

    • Some countries require you to register a custom TPOA. In these countries, SMS messages that are sent with an unregistered TPOA are not delivered.

    SMS Reply Handling

    MMapp Engage supports two-way communication for SMS. Incoming messages can be handled in several ways:



    ​Ignore and Delete​

    Deletes all incoming SMS messages. Not recommended.

    ​Send to Group Owner ​

    Converts incoming SMS to email and forwards it to group owners/managers. The replies are not filtered in any way.

    ​Send to Email Address​

    Converts incoming SMS to email and forwards it to a specified email address.

    ​Store in IMAP​

    Converts incoming SMS to email and stores it in the IMAP inbox. For more information, see ​Access the Inbox with IMAP.

    ​Send Unsubscribe Instructions​

    Sends a message with unsubscribe details to the sender. To use this option, you must enable the system message SysMsgUnsubscribeInstructions for your SMS group. You can edit the default text of this message. For more information, see ​System Messages via SMS​ and ​Unsubscribe All Inbound SMS Numbers.

    ​Treat as Mobile Subscribe Request​

    Adds the sender to the group and sends a confirmation SMS (system message ​SysMsgWelcomeToGroupPasswd). This system message contains a link to a website where the contact must confirm the subscription. For more information, see ​Subscribe with Inbound SMS.

    ​Treat as Mobile Subscribe Request​ & save reply

    This adds an email address to the group and sends a confirmation message, SysMsgWelcomeToGroupPasswd,​ via SMS. This system message contains a link to a website where the contact must confirm the subscription. For more information, see ​Subscribe with Inbound SMS.

    ​Treat as Email Subscribe Request​

    Adds an email address to the group and sends a confirmation message.

    • Add Contact:​

      • With Notification:​ Mapp Engage sends added contacts an email confirmation message. This option conforms to single opt-in standards for email.

      • Without Notification:​ Mapp Engage does not send added contacts a confirmation or welcome message by email.

      • ​Invited:​ The added contacts are sent an invitation immediately after import. Contacts must accept the invitation by clicking on a link in the email. Recipients who do not reply within 14 days are automatically deleted from the group. Recipients who have not yet accepted membership to the group are given ​Pending​ status. Pending recipients do not receive messages in the group. This option conforms to double opt-in standards for email.

    • ​Store Mobile Number:​

      • ​Yes: ​Stores the mobile number and the email address in the profile of your contact. This option is only possible when the mobile number is available. If you store the mobile number and the email address, Mapp Engage sends the contact an additional confirmation message by SMS. The ​SysMsgMobileEmailSubscribeSuccess​ system message is sent in addition to the email notification or invitation.
        If you do not want to send a confirmation via SMS, suppress this system message:

      • No:​ Stores only the email address in the profile of your contact.

    For more information, see ​Subscribe with Inbound SMS.

    ​Initiate Event-based Automation ​

    Fires the automation event ​Message Reply Received (C)​ when a contact sends an inbound SMS to the group.

    You can create multiple automations for a Mapp Engage group, allowing a single inbound SMS to trigger several automations simultaneously. These automations can be limited to SMS messages containing specific keywords, such as "help" or "coupon," enabling you to manage various SMS programs within one group.

    The event triggers only if the incoming SMS is from a registered mobile number; messages from unregistered numbers are ignored, so this feature cannot be used to subscribe new contacts. Ensure that the automation is restricted to the SMS group to avoid triggering it system-wide, such as with inbound emails.

    For details, see ​Scenarios for SMS.

    Mobile Push​

    No specific reply handling settings are needed for mobile push notifications.

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