Response Received (C)
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    Response Received (C)

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    Article summary

    This event executes a job when the Mapp Engagesystem receives a response after sendout. A response is a technical notification that Mapp Engage receives regarding a problem with message sendout or delivery. A response can be an invalid, blocked, or rejected address, a spam complaint, a temporary problem or unknown (see ​Responses​).

    This does not include recipients who manually reply to a message using the reply button on their email client.


    The designation (C) means contact-related. In general, you only combine contact (C) events with contact (C) jobs. For more information, see ​Contact (C) vs. System (S) Automations



    Defines the name of the automation. The name is used to identify the automation in the system. The maximum length is 100 characters.


    Provides information about the automation. The description makes it easier to identify the automation in the system.


    Selects the type of event that, when combined with a job, forms the automation. Every time this event occurs, the system executes the dependent job. The job is defined in the ​Edit Event-based Job​ window.

    Recommended Combinations​

    The following combinations are recommended. It is possible to create other combinations, as well, but not all combinations of events and jobs result in meaningful system behavior.

    • Response Received (C) + Send HTTP Request (C): This automation sends an HTTP request every time a response is received. For example, the request includes the user ID, message ID and response type. This automation is used to track responses in an external system.

    • Response Received (C) + Increase Response Value (C): With this combination, when a response is produced for a contact in group A, a response is also attributed to the contact in group B. This is used to aggregate the total number of responses produced by any one contact across multiple groups. This may be necessary if you have a large number of groups in your system and want to aggregate total responses per contact.

    • Response Received (C) + Add to Robinson List (C): This combination adds an email address to the Robinson List when the system receives a response after sendout. A Robinson list is an external blacklist. It is used to block addresses in multiple Mapp Engagesystems.

    • Response Received (C) + Store Data in Profile Attribute (C): This combination stores information in a recipient's profile when the system receives a response after sendout. For example, this information could be the message ID and the event processing date.

    Define Event​

    This area defines the specific parameters of the event.

    • Group Name: This drop-down list restricts the event to responses received in one specific group. If you select a group, three additional bullet points appear:

      • Any Message: The event fires when any message in the group produces a response. This includes all past and future sendouts in this group, as long as the response occurs when the automation is running.

      • Scheduled/Sent: The event fires when a specific scheduled or sent message produces a response. Select the message from the drop-down list.

      • Prepared Message: The event fires when a prepared message produces a response. This includes group and single sendouts of the prepared message. This also includes all past and future sendouts of the prepared message, as long as the response is produced while the automation is running.

    • Message Category: This drop-down list restricts the event to responses in a specific message category. (Hint: Since message categories are not group-specific, you can use a message category to create an automation that reacts to responses in multiple groups at once.)

    • Response Category: This drop-down list defines a response category. This limits the event to responses of a certain type.

      • Spam Complaint: The message recipient or the Internet Service Provider (ISP) report a message as spam.

      • Invalid: The domain of the email address does not exist (for example, instead of or the domain name could not be resolved due to DNS (Domain Name System) problems at the ISP.

      • Transient: A temporary problem, such as a full inbox or a lack of available disk space.

      • Blocked: Either the receiving Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) or the recipient refuses to accept delivery of a message (for example, because the sending address appears on a blocklist).

      • Rejected: The address no longer exists or the email account is not active.

      • Unknown: The exact cause of the delivery failure cannot be determined.

    • Transactional Message ID: These fields restrict the event to messages with a certain external transaction ID. This option is relevant for single messages only, not for group messages. The TMID makes each recipient's transactional messages individually identifiable. Without the TMID, the various single sendouts of a prepared message cannot be distinguished from one another. Use the Transactional Message ID if you use Mapp Engageto send single messages to individual contacts when they complete a purchase or another type of conversion.
      You define the TMID in the ​Group Settings​, on the ​Sendout Options​ tab, in the area ​Transactional Messages​.

    • External Transaction ID: These fields restrict the event to messages with a certain external transaction ID. This option is relevant for single messages only, not for group messages. An external transaction ID is used when you are sending transactional messages, such as a purchase confirmation. The external transaction ID makes each recipient's transactional messages individually identifiable. Without an external transaction ID, the various single sendouts of a prepared message cannot be distinguished from one another.
      The external transaction ID is defined in the ​Group Settings​, on the ​Sendout Options​ tab, in the area ​Transactional Messages​.

      • Equals: The external transaction ID exactly matches the value in the input field.

      • Does Not Equal: The external transaction ID does not match the value in the input field.

      • Starts with: The external transaction ID starts with the value in the input field.

      • Ends with: The external transaction ID ends with the value in the input field.

      • Matches [Regex]: The external transaction ID matches the regular expression in the input field.

    • Deactivation: This drop-down list defines whether the event is limited to responses that produce a deactivation. The number of responses required before a recipient is deactivated can be manually defined in the group settings (see ​Deactivation (tab)​).

      • Yes: The job is only executed if the response event resulted in deactivation.

      • No: The job executes after any response, even if the response did not result in deactivation.

    Define Selection​

    • Selection: This drop-down list defines a selection. Applying a selection limits the event to contacts who produce a response and who fulfill the selection criteria. Use the to search for a selection in the system.


    The following actions are available:

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