Run the CLI Kafka Tools
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    Run the CLI Kafka Tools

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    Article summary

    1. Use the CLI Kafka Tools included on your Kafka binary distribution to start the console consumer. This will print the data coming from the topic on your console. Start it using the following command:

      bin/ --bootstrap-server="host:port" --topic mytopic --group groupId --consumer-property security.protocol=SASL_SSL 
      --consumer-property sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-256 --consumer-property auto.offset.reset=earliest #--consumer-property auto.offset.reset=latest
    2. Before running the command, take the following settings:

      • Substitute <host:port>, <mytopic>, and <groupId>.
        Mapp provides you with the connection endpoint, topic name, consumer group, and credentials.

      • Specify the value for  auto.offset.reset (see section Configuration Properties for the Kafka Clients).

    3. Alternatively, you can set the configuration properties in the "" file as follows:

    4. Now use the --consumer.config parameter on the console consumer execution.

      bin/ --bootstrap-server="host:port" --topic mytopic --consumer.config
    5. Before running the command, substitute <host:port> and <mytopic>.

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