Save an Existing Personalization for Later Use
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    Save an Existing Personalization for Later Use

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    Article summary

    Personalizations can be centrally stored in the Personalization Builder, where they are always available for easy re-use.


    To copy a personalization from one message and store it for later use in another message.


    1. ​Copy the code of the personalization from the message in your computer's clipboard.

    2. Click the ​Personalization​ button in the ​Compose Message​ window (see ​HTML Code View​).
      ⇒  The ​Personalization Wizard​ is opened.

    3. Click the ​New​ button.
      ⇒  The ​Personalization Builder​ is opened.

    4. Click the ​Change mode​ button.
      ⇒  The manual mode of the ​Personalization Builder​ is opened. Here you can manually create any personalization.

    5. Paste the personalization from the clipboard into the ​Personalization Builder​.

    6. Click the Save button.
      ⇒  The ​Save Expression​ window is opened.

    7. Choose a name under which the personalization is stored. It is also recommended to enter a short description for the personalization. Since the name of personalization may not be unique, this may help to identify the personalization later.

    8. Click the Save button.
      ⇒  The personalization is stored.

    9. The ​Personalization Builder​ is closed and the personalization is loaded for usage. You can add personalizations directly in a message or subject line or exit the ​Compose Message​ window and use your personalization with any another message (see ​Search for Personalizations (Quick Search)​).

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