Send a Thank You Message to Loyal Customers
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    Send a Thank You Message to Loyal Customers

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    Article summary


    Reward customers who have been part of a group for a while, and have demonstrated sufficient engagment to be categorized as Active.


    Option 1

    In this segment, we use a custom attribute to define the engagement status. When you create a custom attribute, the Engagement Status can be set up as you like it. It can be based on the purchase history, message opens, link clicks, etc. In other words, you decide what the status Active means for you.

    Show detailed configuration

    • Condition 1

      Select contacts based on how long they have been members of a specific group. Use the condition Contact Profile > Group MembershipFrom anytime in the past To 3 years before the run date. This selects contacts who became a member of the group three or more years ago.

    • Condition 2
      Select Contact Profile > Profile Attribute > Engagement Status Equals Active.

    Option 2

    In this segment, we use the Engagement Insights condition that is predefined in Segmentation Builder. It is defined by the aggregated number of opens and clicks over the previous 12 months. For more information see Contact Profile.

    Show detailed configuration

    • Condition 1
      The first condition is the same as in Option 1.

    • Condition 2

      Select Engagement Insights > Engagement Status Equals High Engagement and Very High Engagement.

    Follow-up Action

    Send them a message with a coupon, or discount as a thank you for their loyalty.

    Related Topics

    How-To: Create Custom Attribute

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