Send Email
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    Send Email

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    Article summary

    This job sends an email message to a contact. You can send one of the following messages:

    • A prepared email message.

    • The last or most recently sent email messages in an Engage group. You can resend from 1 to 10 emails.




    ​Prepared Email Message​

    Sends an email that was saved as a prepared message. 

    A prepared message is a saved message that you have assigned to a group. In Engage, you can use one prepared message for multiple sendouts. After the sendout, the prepared message remains saved in the system. For more information, see Save Draft as Prepared Message​.

    Select the prepared message that you want to send from the drop-down menu. The drop-down menu only shows prepared email messages. Messages for other channels (SMS, mobile push, etc.), are not available here.

    • This option sends single messages. The single messages that are sent all have the same message ID. Single messages are evaluated collectively in the single message statistics. 

    • You can edit a prepared message even when it is in use in an active automation. However, you cannot delete a prepared message that is in use in an active automation.

    Last or Recent Email Message​

    Sends the most recent email or emails to the group.

    • Group:​ Defines the group for the message sendout.

    • Number of Email Messages to Resend:​ Defines the number of messages that you want to resend. You can resend up to 10 messages.

    Select the message that you want to send from the drop-down menu. 

    • This option only resends group messages. Engage does not resend single messages. For example, this option does not resend system messages or single messages that are sent with an automation. For more information, see

    • You cannot delete a sent message that is used in an active automation.

    Sendout time


    This step is optional. It adds a parameter to the message. The parameters and values that you define in this step will be handed over to any further step that connects with this step.

    • Defined Value: Any value can be entered in the ​Value​ input field. 

    • Event value: Select a desired event value from the ​Value​ drop-down list.

      • User ID

      • Email Address

      • Event Processing Date

      • Job Processing Date

      • Group ID

      • Message ID

      • Link ID

      • Link Category

      • Transactional Message ID

    Related Topics​

    Group Messages and Single Messages in Mapp Engage​.

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