Send Info or T&C via SMS
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    Send Info or T&C via SMS

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    Article summary


    This scenario creates the following use case for SMS messaging.

    • An SMS subscriber sends an SMS to the group to get more information or assistance. The inbound SMS contains one of the following words: help, T&C, assist, assistance or info.

    • In response, Mapp Engage sends the subscriber a prepared message via SMS. The prepared message contains information about the SMS program and the terms and conditions of participation.

    This use case assumes that you import your contacts into the SMS group from a file. It is not possible to create this scenario if new contacts must send an SMS to the group to subscribe. In that case, you need to work with two separate Mapp Engage groups. For this scenario, see SMS Program With Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Automations​.


    SMS messaging is an extra feature of Mapp Engage. Before you can send SMS messages, you must do the following.

    1. Work with your account manager to register the necessary codes and keywords for SMS messaging.

    2. Create one or more dedicated groups for SMS sendout.

    3. In the group settings, define the inbound mobile ID, outbound mobile ID, and reply handling.

    For instructions, see ​Set Up SMS Messaging​.

    A) Create an SMS Prepared Message

    1. Create a new message. The prepared message contains information about the SMS program and the terms and conditions of participation.

    2. Save the message as a prepared message in your SMS group.

    You must save the prepared message in the SMS group. When you send a prepared message to a contact via SMS, the group settings of the group that the prepared message is saved in apply for the sendout. This means that Mapp Engage uses the inbound mobile ID, outbound mobile ID, and reply handling settings of the group that the prepared message is saved. Any replies to this prepared message go to the prepared message group, as well.

    B) Create Automations

    1. Create a new event-based automation. You can create the automation on a whiteboard or manually. Enter a name and description for the automation.

    2. Create the settings for the event and job as follows:



      Message Reply Received (C)​

      Send Prepared Message to Contact (C)​

      Group​: Select the SMS group.

      Body​: From the drop-down list, select the ​Contains​ option. In the input field, enter the word that initiates the response. You can also select the ​Regex (matches) ​option and use a Regex in the input field.

      Select the ​Case Insensitive​ check box.

      Contact:​ Select the ​Use Event Parameter​ check box.

      ​Message​: Select the prepared message.

      You can use Regex to enter a combination of words.

      From the drop-down, select ​Matches [Regex]​.

      In the third field, enter the Regex.

      Example: .*\b(help|T&C|assist|assistance|info)\b.*

      \b finds a match at the beginning or end of a word

      ​.*​ indicates that additional text or no text can appear before or after.

      ​|​ represents an "or" and indicates that only one of the patterns must appear in the email

    3. Click the ​Time Frame​ button. Define the time frame by selecting a ​Start Date​ and an ​End Date​. Within this time frame, every time the event takes place, the job is executed.

    4. Click ​Save & Activate​ to immediately activate the automation.
      ⇒ The automation is saved and activated. The automation has the status ​Activated, Running​ if the start date is immediate and ​Activated, Scheduled​ if the start date is in the future.

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