Send mbox Emails
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    Send mbox Emails

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    Article summary


    ​To import and send an mbox file containing multiple email messages.


    A new or existing group for the mbox sendout has been created in Mapp Engage. For more information, see ​Create a New Group​.

    The group name and email are NOT displayed during sendout of an mbox file, as all sendout information is taken from the mbox file directly.

    To enable link tracking for mbox messages, it is necessary to enable individual link tracking in the group: in the ​Tracking and Links​ tab, select ​Individual Link Tracking​.

    An empty email has been created and saved as a prepared message. The message name is used to separate and identify the mbox file sendout.

    The name given to the prepared message is NOT displayed as the subject line in the sent email. The subject line of the email is taken from the mbox file directly.

    To import and process the mbox file, the user needs the following permissions:

    • 601 Campaigns: Send Email Messages

    • 304 Group Administration: Create new group

    • 511 Members: Import new members

    Background Information​

    ​mbox​ is a file format for storing email messages. Many email messages are stored in one single mbox file.

    Some clients use an external application that automatically generates many individual emails stored in mbox format, but want to send these emails using Mapp Engage.

    When sending mbox files, there is no need to alter the file format. When uploading the mbox file for sendout, you can take advantage of the sendout capabilities, deliverability features, group settings, basic reporting functionality and more. However, the system was designed for mass sendouts of HTML/text messages, not mbox files. As a result, when importing and sending mbox files, some other functionalities are not available or only available in a limited way. For more information about mbox file formats and sending mbox files, see mbox Processing with Mapp Engage​.

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​ menu, click on ​Automations​ > ​Automations​.

    2. Click the ​New Time-based Automation​ button.
      ⇒  The​ Edit Time-based Activity​ window opens.

    3. In the input field ​Name​, enter a name for the automation.

    4. From the drop-down list ​Action​, choose ​Import and Process mbox File​.
      ⇒  The ​Define Action​ area opens.

    5. From the drop-down list ​System Name​, choose the name of your Mapp Engage system.

    6. From the drop-down list ​Source Encoding​, choose the file encoding of the mbox file.

    7. In the input field ​Source File​, enter the name of the mbox file to be uploaded and sent. It is also possible to use a regular expression to select mbox files that fulfill a certain criteria.

    8. In the input field ​File Location​, enter the FTP server address of the mbox file to be uploaded and sent.
      The server address has the following format:  protocol://user:password@host.port/url-path.

    9. From the ​Group​ drop-down list, choose the group in which the mbox emails are to be sent.

    10. From the ​Message​ drop-down list, choose a prepared message as a container in which the mbox emails will be sent.

      Use of a prepared message as a "container" for the mbox email sendout enables you to define the internal message name and to use only one message ID for all emails in the mbox file. Thus, all of the emails in the mbox file are grouped together in the statistics. If a prepared message is NOT used, a prepared message and message ID are automatically created by the Mapp Engage system for each of the emails in the mbox. In that case each of the emails receives an individual ID and is individually analyzed in the statistics. The automatically generated message name has the following format: mboxPlaceholder-messageID (e.g. mboxPlaceholder-1343052167341).

    11. Click the ​Schedule​ button.
      ⇒  The ​Schedule Time-based Automation​ window opens.

    12. Schedule when the time-based automation will be carried out by the system (see ​Schedule Time-Based Automation (window)​).

    13. Click the ​Save​ button.
      ⇒  The time-based automation has been saved and must be activated.
           The mbox file is imported at the scheduled time. The emails contained in the mbox file are sent automatically.
            After processing, an import report is sent via email to the owner of the group.

      The finished mbox processing can be used as an event to trigger further event-based automations. For more information, see ​Mbox File Processing Finished (S)​.

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