Server-to-Server Tracking
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    Server-to-Server Tracking

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    Article summary

    If you are using Server-to-Server Tracking, use the following parameters.



    Only for Action "Play"



    Name of the multimedia file; the same guidelines apply here as for assigning a page name (content ID).


    The current action of the media player. The default actions are "play", "pause", "stop", "pos", "seek" and "eof".


    Current position within the file. The value is given as an integer in seconds.


    Total playing time of the multimedia file. The value is given as an integer in seconds. Only evaluated during the very first "play" request.


    Bandwidth in bit/second. The value is given as an integer. Only the last transferred value is stored in a media session (see below "Notes on media sessions").


    Volume. Values between 0 and 255 are assumed. It is recommended to use 0 to 100 to evaluate the volume as a percentage value in Intelligence. The spectrum from 0 to 255 is accepted here for compatibility reasons. Only the last value passed is stored in a media session (see below "Notes on media sessions").


    Mute. 1 = Mute active (tone off); 0 = Mute inactive (tone on). Only the last transferred value is stored in a media session (see below "Notes on media sessions").


    Media category. The media categories must be created in the Mapp Q3 (see Creating a Media Category). The established categories get IDs, which are appended to the parameter "mg". The parameter "mg1" passes the value for the media category 1, "mg2" for media category 2 and so on. Only evaluated during the very first "play" request.


    Timestamp. Used exclusively to bypass the cache of the browser, otherwise, the same requests may not be resent.

    Notes on Media-Sessions

    Please observe the following notes on media sessions:

    • A media session is terminated with the media actions eof, stop and init (init also creates a new media session in this request).

    • With the same media ID and subsequent play follows, the old media session is continued.

    • With the same media ID and subsequent init, the old media session is closed and a new media session is started.

    • With different media IDs, a new media session is started. The will lead to multiple media sessions in parallel.

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