Set up connection with your Google Storage account
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    Set up connection with your Google Storage account

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    Article summary

    This article shows how to set up a connection with you Google Storage account in Mapp Engage.


    1. An active Google Cloud Storage Service Account (not a User Account).

    2. Full permissions for the bucket.

    3. JSON file for your project. This is the credentials file provided by Google when creating the service account. Only JSON files are accepted.

    4. Google Project ID.

    5. Storage Bucket Name.

    6. System permission ID 160 (System Administration: Create and Edit Credential Records) in Mapp Engage.

    Only one credential record can be created per Google Cloud Storage Bucket.


    1. In Engage, go to Administration > Permissions > Credentials and click Create.

    2. Fill in the Name field, and optionally, description field.

    3. From the Type drop-down-list select Google Storage Account.

    4. Upload the JSON file.

    5. Provide the required parameters: Google Project ID and the Storage Bucket Name.

    5. You can now Save and test your connection!

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    Google Cloud Storage online help

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