Inbox Monitoring
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    Inbox Monitoring

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    Article summary

    With Inbox Monitoring, a copy of your message is sent to a seed list (a list of artificial control email addresses) in order to obtain an estimate of the deliverability rate of your message across different email service providers (e.g. yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, AOL).

    The seed list addresses are automatically generated and include addresses at all of the major email service providers. The service providers displayed in the results are the 20 most common service providers where your recipients have addresses.

    During sendout, the seed list addresses are sent the same message as the rest of your recipients, at the same time. The seed list addresses return information to Engage that provides an estimated picture of the deliverability of your message in each individual domain.

    This feature is activated for an entire group, not for one specific message (see Enable Inbox Monitoring​).

    Inbox Monitoring is an extra Engage feature that must be enabled for your system. If you would like to add this function to your system, please contact your customer service representative.

    When is Inbox Monitoring used?​

    The test addresses (seed list) will be added to the total recipients for:

    • normal sendouts

    • sendouts based on selections

    • split sendout (the seed list is attached to both splits and to the main sendout)

    • supergroup sendout and the resulting sendout to the subgroups

    • scheduled (planned) sendouts

    Test addresses are NOT used when sending:

    • triggered messages

    • system messages

    • preview sendouts

    Viewing Deliverability Statistics - Domain tab​

    The deliverability statistics can be viewed in the ​Domains tab of the ​Message Statistics window.

    The standard measurements visible in this window include the total sent messages vs. openings, clicks, rejections, complaints, and blocks. The addresses of the seed list are not included in your normal sendout statistics.

    Based on the results of the seed list sendout, Engage estimates an inbox rate, junk rate, and missing rate.

    • Inbox rate: The estimated percentage of messages that reaches the inboxes of this provider.

    • Junk Rate: The estimated percentage of the control addresses that are sent to the Spam folder.

    • Missing Rate : The estimated percentage of messages that did not reach the mailbox of the provider.

    Using these statistics, it's possible to obtain a general idea of how well your message was likely to have been delivered at each email provider (e.g. Gmail, AOL, yahoo).

    Since there may be delays at the provider's end in the send out process, the Missing Rate can be artificially high directly after the send out. It will decrease over the course of time.

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