Simplified Data Export File
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    Simplified Data Export File

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    Article summary

    Simplified Data Exports provide filtered raw data about individual activities that are related to your email messages.

    Simplified Data Exports are similar to Raw Data Exports. Both export raw data for further processing. However, Simplified Data Exports only export the first instance of each selected event (for example, the first click). By contrast, Raw Data Exports include every instance of the selected event (for example, all clicks).

    A Raw Data Export helps you analyze the behavior of your contacts and how they interacted with your messages. A Simplified Data Export helps you analyze which contacts interacted with your messages.

    To analyze the exported data, you need an external tool such as a CRM (customer relationship management) tool. The raw data alone does not provide usable insights.

    Available Data Types​

    You can freely configure the types and amounts of data you need.

    On the Engage user interface, data is divided into the following categories:

    1. Events

      • ​First Sent to MTA​

      • ​First Skip​

      • ​First Bounce​

      • ​First Spam Complaint​

      • ​First Confirmed Open​

      • ​First Click​

      • ​First Click per Link​

      • ​First Forward​

      • ​First Conversion​

      • ​First Conversion per ID​

      • ​First Unsubscribe​

    2. Identifiers​

      • ​Identifiers​

    3. Group and Message​ Data

      • ​Group​

      • ​Message​

      • ​Selection​

    4. General Information

      • ​General Information​

    5. Attributes​

      • ​Standard Attributes​

      • ​Custom Attributes​

      • ​Member Attributes​

      • ​Group Attributes​

    To identify the information in the export file clearly, include the following items in every export:

    • ​User ID​ or ​Email​

    • ​Message ID ​

    • ​Event Timestamp​

    • ​Event Type ​

    For single messages, always include the ​Sendout Timestamp​ that appears in the ​General Information​ area of step​ 5. Other Data​.

    First Sent to MTA​

    Labelled FirstSentToMTA in the record.type column of the export file.

    The Sent to MTA event is unique and exports the same value as in a Raw Data Export.

    Data in the ​First Sent to MTA​ category shows when the message was transferred to the Mapp mail transfer agent (MTA). This information does not show the actual sendout time of the message. Some messages are sorted out after they are sent to the MTA. For more information, see ​Message Sendout Process​.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in the Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File



    Shows the time when the message was transferred the first time to the Mapp MTA in preparation for sendout to the MTA of the contact.

    ISO 8601 timestamp

    20 numbers and characters

    Each ​Timestamp​ in your export conforms to the ISO 8601 format, an international standard for the representation of dates and times. The timestamp includes an offset for communication across time zones.

    Example: 2014-04-30T06:05:10Z.

    For more information, see

    First Skip​

    Labelled FirstSkip in the record.type column of the export file.

    ​First Skip​ is a unique event and exports the same value as in a Raw Data Export.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File



    Shows the time when the address was skipped in the message sendout. Skipped messages are sorted out before sendout for a various reasons (for example, the address is deactivated system-wide). These messages never leave the Mapp infrastructure.

    ISO 8601 timestamp

    20 numbers and characters



    Shows the reason why the message was skipped.

    The following values are possible:



















    For more information, see ​Skip Categories in Exports​.

    String / enum

    26 characters

    First Bounce​

    Labelled FirstBounce in the record.type column of the export file.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File



    Shows the time when the message generated a bounce response. A bounce is a message that Engage sent, but the MTA of the recipient refused to accept. For example, a message that is sent to an address that does not exist at the domain. For more information, see Message Sendout Process​.

    ISO 8601 timestamp

    20 numbers and characters



    Shows the category of the bounce. The bounce category provides detailed information about what prevented the delivery of the message to a contact. Or, information about what happened once the message arrived in the inbox of the recipient.

    The following categories are possible:

    • Transient: Indicates issues such as a full inbox or a lack of available disk space.

    • Blocked: Indicates that either the receiving MTA or the recipient refuses to accept delivery of a message (for example, because the sending address appears on a blocklist).

    • Rejected: Indicates that an address no longer exists or the email account is not active.

    • Unknown: Indicates that the exact cause of the delivery failure cannot be determined.

    String / enum

    9 characters

    First Spam Complaint​

    Labelled FirstSpamComplaint in the record.type column of the export file.

    Exports the first spam complaint per contact per message. Only one spam complaint by the same contact for the same message is included in the export.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File



    Shows the time of the first spam complaint.

    ISO 8601 timestamp

    20 numbers and characters

    First Confirmed Open​

    Labelled FirstConfirmedOpen entry in the record.type column of the export file.

    Engage tracks opens with a pixel that is downloaded from the Mapp server. When the tracking pixel is not downloaded, other recipient activity can register as the First Confirmed Open event. For example, if the email client of the contact is set to block images, the tracking pixel cannot be downloaded. In this case, the open event registers the first time that the contact clicks a link in the message. For more information, see ​How Mapp Engage Measures Email Marketing Success​.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export



    Shows the time that the contact first opened the message. The time is based on which event Engage records first. The event is either the time when the tracking pixel downloads from the Engage server or the first time the contact clicks a link.

    ISO 8601 timestamp

    20 numbers and characters

    To make information about all links available, activate link tracking in the group settings of your group. For more information, see ​Tracking & Links (Tab)​.

    Engage always tracks Information about system links.

    First Click​

    Labelled FirstClick in the record.type column of the export file.

    Exports the first link click per contact per message. Further clicks by the same contact for the same message are not included in the export.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File



    Shows the timestamp of the first link click in the message.

    ISO 8601 timestamp

    20 numbers and characters

    Select either ​First Click​ or ​First Click per Link​.

    If you select both events, the ​First Click​ event is exported twice. This selection can create inaccurate statistical results.

    To see if your contacts clicked any link in a message, select ​First Click​.

    To see which links in a message you contacts click, select ​First Click per Link​.

    First Click per Link​

    Labelled FirstClickPerLink in the record.type column of the export file.

    Exports the first click of every link that is clicked in a message. Further clicks on the same link by the same contact are not included in the export.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File



    Shows the time of the first link click.

    ISO 8601 timestamp

    20 characters

    ​Link Category Name​


    Shows the name of the link category that is assigned to the clicked link (if a link category was assigned). For more information, see ​Link Categories​.


    200 characters

    ​Link Category ID​


    Shows the ID of the link category that is assigned to the clicked link. Engage automatically assigns the ID. The link category ID cannot be changed. For more information, see ​Link Categories​.


    10 digits



    Shows the URL of the clicked link including any resolved personalizations.


    Unlimited number of characters

    ​Link ID​


    Shows the link ID of the clicked link. Engage automatically assigns the link ID during sendout. Each link in the message is numbered consecutively. The numbering starts with 0 (null).


    10 digits

    ​Link Type​


    Shows the type of link. The following types of links are possible:

    • Normal: The link is not a system link and does not contain a personalisation.

    • Individual: The link contains a personalisation.

    • System: The link is a system link. The following types of system links are possible:

    String / enum

    10 characters

    ​Type of System Link​


    Shows the type of system link. The following types of system links are possible:

    • read_message: This link opens the message in the web browser. This method bypasses display problems in the email client.

    • profile_edit: This link opens a form in the web browser where the contact can edit their profile data.

    • forward_message: This link opens a form to forward the message with the Engage forward functionality

    • subscribe: This link opens a website where the contact can subscribe to the group.

    • unsubscribe: This link opens a website where the contact can unsubscribe from the group.

    String / enum

    15 characters

    First Forward​

    Labelled FirstForward in the record.type column of the export file.

    This event is only exported once, no matter how many times the forward function is used or how many contact addresses are in the function.

    For legal reasons, only the forward event is recorded. No information is available about the recipients of forwarded messages or their activities.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File



    Shows the time when the message was forwarded. Only forwards made with the Engage forward function are tracked. For more information, see ​Mapp Engage Variables - Messages​.

    ISO 8601 timestamp

    20 characters

    First Conversion​

    Labelled FirstConversion in the record.type column of the export file.

    Select either ​First Conversion​ or ​First Conversion per ID​.

    If you select both events, the First Conversion event is exported twice. This selection can create inaccurate statistical results.

    First Conversion only exports the first conversion that the contact makes that is assigned to the message. Further conversions for the same contact and message are not included in the export.

    The assignment of a conversion to a message is based on the last click activity. If there is no click activity in the last 30 days, the calculation is based on the recent contact activity (for example, renders). For more information, see ​Calculation of Conversions​.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File



    Shows the time of the first conversion.

    ISO 8601 timestamp

    20 characters



    Shows the conversion tracking ID. For more information, see ​Conversion Tracking​.


    10 digits

    First Conversion per ID​

    Labelled FirstConversionPerID in the record.type column of the export file.

    First Conversion per ID provides a full overview of each first conversion that a contact made. It exports information about the first conversion for each conversion ID. This information is helpful if one message contains several different conversion IDs.

    For more information, see Conversion Tracking​.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File



    Shows the time of the first conversion that takes place per conversion tracking ID.

    ISO 8601 timestamp

    20 characters



    Shows the conversion tracking ID of the first conversion.


    10 digits



    Shows the name of the conversion tracking.


    200 characters

    Order ID


    If the shop system or website communicates this information to Engage, this field shows the order ID.


    30 characters



    If the shop system or website communicates this information to Engage, this field shows the number of items that were ordered.


    9 digits



    If the shop system or website communicates this information to Engage, this field shows the value of the total sale.


    12 digits

    ​Additional Parameters​


    If the shop system or website communicates this information to Engage, this field shows more parameters,


    Unlimited number of characters

    First Unsubscribe​

    Labelled FirstUnsubscribe in the record.type column of the export file.

    This event is unique and exports the same value as in a Raw Data Export. Engage does not record a second unsubscribe because the contact was already removed from the group by the first event.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File



    Shows the time when the contact unsubscribed. The unsubscription must be made via the unsubscribe link in the message. Unsubscribes that cannot be attributed to a message that is contained in the export are not included in the export.

    ISO 8601 timestamp

    20 characters


    If you want to evaluate the export on the contact level, select the ​User ID​ or ​Email Address​. If you do not select one of these identifiers, include a ​Custom Attribute​ that clearly identifies your contacts.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File

    ​User​ ID


    Shows the ID of the contact in Engage. Engage The ID automatically assigns the ID when the contact is created. The ID is used for internal identification and is unique in the system.


    10 digits



    Shows the email address of the contact in Engage. The email address is used for internal identification and is unique in the system. The email address is defined when the contact is created. This email address is editable. The email address can be edited between the time of the sendout and the export. In this case, the email address in the export no longer matches the address that performed the activity.


    129 characters

    ​Mobile Number​


    Shows the mobile phone number of the contact.


    18 characters

    ​App Alias​


    Shows the mobile app ID that is saved in the profile of the contact in Engage. The application provider assigns this number to the contact that uses of the application.


    Unlimited number of characters



    Shows an additional identifier for the contact in the Engage system (for example, the ID of an external CRM system). The identifier must be manually defined. Otherwise, this column is empty.


    Unlimited number of characters

    ​Alternate Email​


    Based on the system configuration, this field shows the actual email address of the contact.


    129 characters

    ​Alternate Mobile​


    Based on the system configuration, this field shows the actual mobile phone number of the contact.


    18 characters


    User Interface

    Default Column Header in Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File



    Shows the ID of the group in which the message is sent. When the group is created, Engage automatically assigns a group ID. The ID is used for internal identification and is unique in the system.


    10 digits



    Shows the name of the group in which the message is sent.


    150 characters



    Shows the email address of the group in which the message is sent. The group email address is unique in the system.


    129 characters

    ​Category ID​


    Shows the group category ID. Engage automatically assigns the ID, when the category is created. The category ID is used for internal identification and is unique in the system.


    10 digits

    ​Category Name​


    Shows the name of the group category. The creator of the group category defines the name. The name can be changed in the ​Administration​ area.


    200 characters


    When you select ​Export Specific Messages​, the maximum number of message IDs per data export is 10,000. This limitation does not apply to the ​Export All Messages​ option.

    Data from archived messages is never included in the export.

    For more information, see ​3. Parameters​.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File



    Shows the message ID. Engage automatically assigns the message ID when the message is created. The ID is used for internal identification and is unique in the system.


    10 digits



    Shows the message name. The creator of the message defines the name of the message. The name is used for internal identification in the system.


    250 characters

    ​Category ID​


    Shows the message category ID. Engage automatically assigns the category ID when the category is created. The ID is unique in the system. Assignment of a message category is optional. Message categories are assigned during the message sendout process.


    10 digits

    C​ategory Name​


    Shows the message category name. The creator of the category name can edit the name in the ​Administration​ area of Engage.


    200 characters

    ​Subject (Not Personalised)​


    Shows the message subject including any personalisation placeholders. Personalizations appear as unresolved placeholders in this field (for example: Happy Birthday, <%${user['FirstName']}%>!).


    Unlimited number of characters

    ​External Message ID​


    Shows the external message ID of the message. The external message ID is extra reference number that can be manually added to a message during creation.


    250 characters



    Shows the type of message. The following types are possible:

    • normal

    • split_main

    • split_test

    • single

    • super

    • sub

    • test

    • pre_split_main

    • system

    For more information, see ​Analysis of Different Message Types​.

    String / enum

    15 characters

    ​Variation ID​


    If variations of a message are created, this field shows the variation ID. Engage automatically assigns the ID when the message variants are created. The variation ID is a comma-separated list of ID numbers or names. If no variations exist for a message, this field is empty. For more information, see ​Variation Analysis (tab)​.


    Unlimited number of characters


    User Interface

    Default Column Header in Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File



    If a selection is applied, this field shows the selection ID. Engage The automatically assigns the ID when the selection is created. The ID is used for internal identification and is unique in the system.


    10 digits



    Shows the selection name. The system user who creates the selection defines the name of the selection. The name can be edited in the ​Selection​ area of Engage.


    100 characters

    General Information​

    This area provides basic information about the data that is selected for export.

    The ​Event Timestamp​,​ Event Type​, and ​Sendout Type ​fields are useful for further analysis. To facilitate processing of the data, Engage combines this information in a separate column for each row in the export file.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in the Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in the Export File

    ​Event Timestamp​


    Shows the time when the event took place. This field is a duplicate of the column that contains the specific timestamp (for example, the open timestamp or click timestamp).

    With the ​Event Type​, this information facilitates the processing and analysis of data.

    ISO 8601 timestamp

    20 characters

    Event Type


    Shows the type of event.

    The following types are possible:

    • FirstSentToMTA

    • FirstSkip

    • FirstBounce

    • FirstSpamComplaint

    • FirstConfirmedOpen

    • FirstClick

    • FirstClickPerLink

    • FirstForward

    • FirstConversion

    • FirstConversionPerId

    • FirstUnsubscribe

    For more information, see ​Message Sendout Process​​KPIs - Group Messages​, and ​KPIs - Single Messages​.

    For more information, see ​Skip Categories in Exports​.

    String / enum

    24 characters

    ​Sendout Type​


    Shows the type of sendout.

    The following types are possible:

    • MAJOR: The message was sent as a group message.

    • SINGLE: The message was sent as a single message.

    • WELCOME: The message was sent as a welcome message.

    • SYSTEM: The message was sent as a system message.

    String / enum

    7 characters



    Shows the sent to MTA timestamp of the message to which the event belongs.

    Example: if the event is a link click in message A, this field shows the sent to MTA timestamp of message A

    This information identifies single messages. The sent to MTA timestamp is available for all group and single messages.

    ISO 8601 timestamp

    20 numbers and characters

    ​Transactional Message ID​


    Shows the transactional message ID (TMID) of the message to which the event belongs. If no TMID was used for sendout, this column is empty.

    A transactional message includes a unique ID for every contact. This ID allows you to track every message individually and confirm that the contact receives and opens the message. You create a pattern for the TMID in the group settings. For more information, see ​Add a TMID to Messages​.


    Unlimited number of characters

    ​Contact Information​


    Shows how the recipient was contacted.

    The following values are possible:

    • TO: The recipient was sent a message.

    • CC: The recipient was sent email in carbon copy.

    • BCC: The recipient was sent email in blind carbon copy

    String / enum

    7 characters

    Addressee Role


    Shows the role of the addressee.

    • NORMAL: The contact has a normal role in the system.

    • CONTROL: The contact has a role other than the normal role in the system.

    String / enum

    7 characters

    Standard Attributes​

    The export shows the attribute value at the time of export, not at the time of sendout. The value of an attribute can update between the time of the sendout and the time of the export. In this case, the attribute value in the export does not represent the value of the attribute at the time of the sendout.

    The availability of the attributes depends on your system configuration.

    User Interface

    Default Column Header in the Export File


    Content Type / Maximum Length in Export File

    ​Date of Birth​


    Shows the date of birth of the contact.


    28 characters

    ​First Name​


    Shows the first name of the contact.


    50 characters

    ​Last Name​


    Shows the last name of the contact.


    50 characters



    Shows the gender of the contact:

    • unset

    • male

    • female

    • undisclosed




    Shows the preferred name of the contact.


    50 characters

    ​Zip Code​


    Shows the postal code of the contact.


    10 characters

    ​Country Code​


    Shows the ISO 3166 country code that is saved in the profile of the contact. The country code is not based on an IP location.

    For more information, see

    String / enum

    2 characters

    ​Language Code ​


    Shows the ISO 639 language code that is saved in the profile of the contact.

    For more information, see

    String / enum

    2 characters

    ​Time Zone​


    Shows a number that represents the time zone that is saved in the profile of the contact.


    3 digits



    Shows a number that represents the gender of the contact. When the gender is unknown, this field is empty.

    The following values are possible:

    • 1 = male

    • 2 = female

    String / enum

    1 character

    ​Source ID​


    Shows an ID which identifies the source of the address (for example, an agency or a company website).


    5 digits

    Custom Attributes​

    The export shows the attribute value at the time of export, not at the time of sendout. The value of an attribute can update between the time of the sendout and the time of the export. In this case, the attribute value in the export does not represent the value of the attribute at the time of the sendout.

    The availability of the attributes depends on your system configuration.

    User Interface

    Default Name in Export File


    Attribute Name

    CSV-Export: user.CustomAttribute['attributename']



    Contains a custom attribute.

    XML-Export: <field name="user.CustomAttribute['attributename']">value</field>


    <field name="user.CustomAttribute['hobby']">soccer</field>

    Contains a custom attribute.

    Member Attributes​

    The export shows the attribute value at the time of export, not at the time of sendout. The value of an attribute can update between the time of the sendout and the time of the export. In this case, the attribute value in the export does not represent the value of the attribute at the time of the sendout.

    The availability of the attributes depends on your system configuration.

    User Interface

    Default Name in the Export File


    Attribute Name

    CSV-Export: user.MemberAttribute['attributename']



    Contains a member attribute.

    XML-Export: <field name="user.MemberAttribute['attributename']">value</field>


    <field name="user.MemberAttribute['hobby']">soccer</field>

    Contains a member attribute.

    Group Attributes​

    The export shows the attribute value at the time of export, not at the time of sendout. The value of an attribute can update between the time of the sendout and the time of the export. In this case, the attribute value in the export does not represent the value of the attribute at the time of the sendout.

    The availability of the attributes depends on your system configuration.

    User Interface

    Default Name in the Export File


    Attribute Name

    CSV-Export: group.CustomAttribute['attributename']



    Contains a group attribute.

    XML-Export: <field name="group.CustomAttribute['atributensme']">value</field>


    <field name="group.CustomAttribute['communicationID']">12345</field>

    Contains a group attribute.

    Related Topics​

    ​Raw Data Exports
    Message Sendout Process​
    Generate Export​

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