Single Email Message Sent to Contact
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    Single Email Message Sent to Contact

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    Article summary

    Engage registers this event when a single email is sent to a contact.





    • ​Any Group​: Engage registers this event for single messages that are sent in any group on your system.

    • Specific Group​: Engage registers this event for single messages that are sent in the selected group. You select the group of contacts from the ​Group​ drop-down list.

    • Whiteboard Audience​: Engage registers this event for messages that are sent in the group that is defined as the whiteboard audience. Only contacts who are active members of the audience group at the time of enrollment can enter the whiteboard plan. This option is not visible when the whiteboard audience includes all groups in the system.

    • Group Category​: Engage registers this event for singles messages in the selected group categories. You can select up to 15 group categories from the ​Group Category (any of the following)​ drop-down list.

    Email Message

    • Any: The event includes all single messages in the defined groups or group categories.

    • ​Specific Email Message:  Engage registers this event for specific single messages that are sent in the defined groups or group categories. You can select up to 15 messages from the ​Email Message (any of the following)​ drop-down list.

    • ​Message Category:  Engage registers this event for singles messages in the selected message category. You select the category from the ​Message Category (any of the following)​ drop-down list.

      Message categories are not group-specific. You can use a message category to create an automation that reacts to single messages in multiple groups at once. 


    • Sent: Limits the event to single messages that are sent to the Engage mail transfer agent (MTA) successfully.

    • Skipped:  Limits the event to single messages that are skipped and not sent to the Engage MTA. Messages can be sorted out before sendout for several reasons. For example, Engage does not send messages to recipients who are on a blacklist or Robinson list. Skipped messages never leave the Mapp infrastructure.

    • Failed​: Limits the event to single messages that are not sent successfully to the Engage MTA. These delivery failures are due to system or database problems, not to problems with the email address.

    Related Topics​

    Message Categories

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