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Skip Categories in Exports
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skip.Category column
The skip.Category column shows why a message was removed from the message sendout by the system.
Skip categories and causes
Skipped messages are sorted out before sendout for various reasons (for example, the address is deactivated system-wide).
Skipped messages never leave the Mapp infrastructure.
Some skips only happen in certain types of message sendouts (major, single). Some skips are related to specific channels and only take place if the corresponding channel is activated (SMS, Mobile Push).
In Mapp Engage the sendout type Major indicates that the message was sent as a group message. The sendout type Single indicates that the message was sent as a single message.
Name in Export File | Name in Statistics | Reason for the skip |
CHANNEL_NO_ADDRESS | No contact address available | The contact information necessary for the selected type of message was not available. |
CHANNEL_READ_MODE_DENIED | Read mode denied | The contact does not accept messages in the format used for the sendout (email, SMS, or Mobile Push). For more information, see Read Mode: Configure Sent Message Format. |
INVALID_ENCRYPTED_ADDRESS | Invalid encryption key | The encryption key for the email address of the contact was not valid. |
INVALID_ALTERNATE_ADDRESS | Invalid alternate address | The alternate email address of the contact was not valid. |
SYS_OVER_BOOKED | System-wide message limit reached | The contact reached the system-wide message limit. This skip only applies to group messages. For group sendouts, the system default for the allowable number of messages per day is 9. For more information, see Message Limitation. |
USR_OVER_BOOKED | User message limit reached | The contact reached his individual message limit. This skip only applies to group messages. For more information, see Define Contact Message Limitation. |
SYS_BLACKLIST_ROBINSON | Blacklist or Robinson list | The address was on a system-wide blacklist or Robinson list. For more information, see System Blacklist (window) and Robinson Lists. |
GRP_BLACKLISTED | Group Blacklist | The address was on a blacklist that is specific to the group. In this case, only single messages can create a skip. The group blacklist prevents group messages to the contact before a skip is created. For more information, see Activate or Deactivate a Robinson List in a Group. |
SYS_BOUNCED | Deactivated System-wide | The address was deactivated system-wide. For example, because the address triggered too many responses. |
GRP_BOUNCED | Deactivated group-wide | The address was deactivated group-wide. For example, because the address triggered too many responses or an Unsubscribe Member automation was used. In this case, only single messages can create a skip. The group deactivation prevents group messages to the contact before a skip is created. For more information, see Unsubscribe Members From All Groups and Unsubscribe Members From One Group. |
EXTERNAL_ATTRIBUTE_FILTER | Skipped with EL filter | The address was filtered out with an expression language (EL) filter applied during sendout. For more information, see . |
SKIP_RECIPIENT | Skipped with personalisation rule | Sendout to the address was blocked with the personalisation <ec:skiprecipient/>. |
INTERCEPTOR_FAILED | Message sendout suspended | The message was skipped for various reasons, such as an unexpected script error, incorrect personalisation placeholder, an error in the barcode or a blank message after all personalization rules were resolved. |
PERSONALIZATION_FAILED | Error in email header | The message contained an error in the email header. For more information, see. |
SEND_FAILED | Message send to internal MTA failed | The message could not be transmitted to the internal MTA or SMS provider. |
GLOBAL_ROBINSON | Global Robinsonlist | The address was on the Mapp Robinson list. |
INVALID_ADDRESS | Invalid Domain | The address contained an invalid domain. |
TEMP_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE | Message sendout failed | A connection could not be established with the receiving MTA. |
Most skips take place before the message reaches the Mapp Engage internal MTA. For example, Deactivated System-wide (SYS_BOUNCED).
Two skips take places within the Mapp Engage internal MTA: Invalid Domain (INVALID_ADDRESS) and Message sendout failed (TEMP_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE).
In both cases, the skipped message never leaves the Mapp infrastructure.