Opt-Out Integration
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    Opt-Out Integration

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    Article summary

    You have to integrate an opt-out option for Mapp Intelligence tracking on your website.

    We recommend a double approach for the opt-out with client and server cookies. The client cookie is set by a function call with onclick. The server cookie is obtained by redirecting the track domain. So you are virtually doubly protected.

    <script type="text/javascript">
    	function wtOptOut() {
    		window.wtSmart = window.wtSmart || [];
    		window.wtSmart.push(function(wtSmart) {
    <a id="optout"
       title="OptOut click" 
       href=https://[TrackDomain]/[TrackId]/optout.php?redirect=[encoded URL of data privacy page]
    >Click here to opt-out from tracking</a>

    Note, that you have to replace the following elements in the link:

    • TrackDomain

    • TrackId

    • encoded URL of data privacy page

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