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SMS Message Creation
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SMS Message Creation
12 Articles
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Create SMS Message
Goal To create an SMS message. Prerequisites SMS messaging is an extra feature of Mapp Engage. Set up SMS messaging on your system: Work with your account manager to register the necessary codes and keywords for SMS messaging. For more info...
Compose SMS
Navigation Path Create New > Message > SMS Message > Create Purpose What can I do in this window? Create an SMS message. Add personalizations, and Mapp Engage Variables to an SMS message. Add a link to an SMS ...
Prepare SMS Sendout
Navigation Path Create New > Message > SMS Message > Create > Prepare Sendout Purpose In this window, you create the settings for your SMS message sendout. What can I do in this step? Select the sendout group. ...
SMS Message Preview (window)
Navigation Path To preview a message during the message creation process, click Preview in steps 2–4 of the message creation wizard. To preview a message that is displayed in an overview, click > View in the Actions men...
SMS Sendout Summary
Navigation Path In the main navigation, click Create New > Message > SMS Message . Enter message information and Click Create . Enter your subject line and content, then click Prepare Sendout . Create the desi...
Add Coupons to SMS
Goal To add coupons to an SMS message. Prerequisites Set up SMS messaging for your system. For more information, see Set Up SMS Messaging . Generate alphanumeric coupons in a shop or CRM system as a TXT or CSV file. Upload the coup...
Add Links to SMS
Goal To add a link address (URL) to an SMS message. General Information Dos and don'ts An SMS only contains text. In an SMS, enter the link address without http:// or https://. For example, SMS doe...
Add Personalization to SMS
Goal To add personalizations to an SMS message. Personalization adds content to the message that is selected specifically for the recipient. Use personalizations to make the content of your messages more relevant. Prerequisites SMS messaging i...
Define a Raw or Simplified Data Export for SMS
Goal To define and save a new Simplified Data Export or Raw Data Export for analysis in an external tool. The export file contains data relevant to SMS messages. Prerequisites An FTP server on which to store your export file and the correct a...
Processed SMS Messages (window)
Navigation Path Messages > Outbox > SMS Purpose This window displays the scheduled and sent SMS messages in your system. What can I do in this window? View, copy, archive, and delete SMS messages. Reschedule an SMS sendo...
SMS Format and Encoding
General Information An SMS message is short by nature. Each SMS message is limited in size to 1120 bits. Each character included in a message requires a set number of bits to encode its data for transmission. The number of bits required for each ch...
View SMS Statistics
Goal To view the statistics for an SMS message. Navigation Path Statistics > Group Messages > SMS > Background Information The information you can view about your SMS messages in the Statistics area is limited. For exampl...
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