Spooling a Multimedia File (seek)
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    Spooling a Multimedia File (seek)

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    Article summary

    The action seek is sent with the current play position when the slider is moved. This action initiates the winding operation within a video.

    If the slider of the media player is rereleased, another action must be sent to end the spool process. This second action depends on the current mode of the media player. If the player is currently in pause mode, the end of the winding process is confirmed by a pause action.

    The parameter mt1 (current position) is sent during the second action (play or pause) with the new playtime to which the user has spooled.

    Examples of Media Tracking

    • On the website

      wt_sendinfo_media("video_16889", "seek", "60", "600", "", "64000", "100", "0");
      wt_sendinfo_media("video_16889", "play", "293", "600", "", "64000", "100", "0");
    • In the multimedia file

      ExternalInterface.call("wt_sendinfo_media", "video_16889", "seek", "60", "600", "", "64000", "100", "0");
      ExternalInterface.call("wt_sendinfo_media", "video_16889", "play", "293", "600", "", "64000", "100", "0");
    • Example request for media tracking via Server-to-Server


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