Store Data in Profile Attribute (C)
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    Store Data in Profile Attribute (C)

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    Article summary

    This job stores values ​​in a contact's profile attributes. Any existing values are overwritten. You can store up to 10 values in one automation.

    This job can be used to store data from the event directly to a profile attribute. For example, add the link name, link category or the processing date of the event or the job to the profile of the corresponding contact.

    This job supplements existing profile data with detailed information about contact behavior. Almost any type of activity or information can be used to create selections and to add additional data to the profile. This additional profile data can be used as the basis for analysis, message personalization and list cleaning.

    A related job is available to count the total number of message opens, clicks or conversions completed by the recipient over time. This job incrementally increases or decreases a numerical user attribute. See Increase or Decrease Profile Value (C)​.

    Both standard and custom user attributes can be changed. Member attributes and group attributes cannot be changed.

    The attributes of system users with the same or higher system role are not changed.


    The designation (C) means contact-related. In general, you only combine contact (C) events with contact (C) jobs. For more information, see Contact (C) vs. System (S) Automations​

    Recommended Automations​

    An automation is a combination of an event plus a resulting job. The following combinations are recommended. It is possible to create other combinations, as well, but not all combinations of events and jobs result in meaningful system behavior.

    For all of the following combinations, check ​Use Event Parameter​ for the field ​User​.

    • Message Link Clicked (C) + Store Data in Profile Attribute (C): This combination stores information in a profile attribute when a contact clicks on a link in a message. For example, this information could be the link name, link category or date and time of the click.

    • Message Opened (C) + Store Data in Profile Attribute (C): This combination stores information in a recipient's profile when he opens a message. For example, this information could be the message ID and the date and time of message open.

    • Subscribed to Group (C) + Store Data in Profile Attribute (C): This combination stores information in a profile attribute when a contact subscribes to a new group. This includes subscriptions via API or in the user interface. For example, this information could be the event processing date.

    • Single Message Sent (C) + Store Data in Profile Attribute (C): This combination stores information in a contact's profile when a single message is sent. For example, this information could be the message ID or the job processing date.



    Displays the name of the automation that is defined in the ​Edit Event​ window.


    Displays the description of the automation that is defined in the ​Edit Event​ window.


    Displays the event that is defined in the ​Edit Event​ window. Every time this event occurs, Engage executes the dependent job.


    Defines the job. Engage executes this job automatically every time the event occurs. For a list of all available jobs, see ​All Available Event-Based Jobs​.

    Define Job​

    • Contact: This input field defines the contact whose profile attribute is updated. User the symbol to select one contact.

      • Use Event Parameter: When selected, this checkbox takes the contact involved in the event and uses him for the job.

    • Parameters: This area adds new fields to the window. These fields add additional data to user profile attributes. It is possible to add up to 10 additional parameters.

      • : This button adds new input fields.

      • : This button removes the input fields.

    • First field: This field defines the attribute to be changed. The drop-down list displays all custom and member attributes available in the system.

    • Second field: This field defines the value to be stored in the attribute. The input fields change depending on the selected attribute. If an enumerated attribute is selected, the new value can be selected from the drop-down. For all other attribute types, the value is entered manually.

      • Use Event Parameter: When selected, a drop-down list appears that provides values that can be stored in an attribute. This information is taken from the event that initiated the job. The options displayed here, therefore, depend on the selected event.


    Not all values in the ​Use Event Parameter​ drop-down are relevant for each parameter.

    The attribute and value must have the same data type (number, string, date or boolean). Otherwise the automation may not execute

    Define Delay​

    In this area, you can define a time delay between the event and the resulting job. If you define a delay, the system waits the specified amount of time after the event takes place before executing the event-based job. If you do not define a delay, the system executes the job immediately after the event takes place.


    Engage calculates the selection for an event-based job when the job is executed, not when the event takes place. When you define a delay, the selection is calculated after the delay

    • ​Delay:​ Defines whether there is a delay between the event and the resulting job.

      • ​No: ​There is no delay between the event and the resulting job. When Engage registers the event, the system executes the job immediately.

      • ​Yes: ​Creates a delay between the event and the resulting job.
        ​Unit:​ Defines the unit of time with which Engage calculates the delay.
        ​Value:​ Defines the duration of the delay.


    The following actions are available:

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