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Store Email Images to the Content Store Automatically
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The images should be stored in an email and automatically sent to the Mapp Engage Content Store. For more information, see Content Store.
Each time a recipient opens the email, the image is downloaded from the Content Store. Images remain available six months after the last download and can be used for further messages. For more information, see Use a Content Store Element in an Email.
In the top navigation, click Create > New Message.
Enter your message information, select Email in the Type area, and click Create. By default, step 2. Content of the message creation wizard opens in HTML Code mode. Use this mode to enter or edit the HTML code of your message manually. To enter or edit the HTML code of your message in a graphical HTML editor, click HTML Editor.
Enter HTML message content, including images not yet hosted in the content store.
Expand the Advanced Options area.
From the Image Handling drop-down list, select Images are hosted on the Mapp Engage server (Online-HTML).
Click Prepare Sendout. If the HTML email contains images unavailable on the Mapp Engage server, the Upload Missing Images window opens. Here, you can upload or select the necessary images.
For more information, see Upload Missing Images (window).To host the image on a server other than Mapp Engage, add
to the image source tag.For example,
<img src="http://YourPictureServer" ecm:process="false">
Complete the message sendout process.
After the sendout, the pictures are stored in the content store. The name of the Content Element is the name that is used in the message body. For example, the HTML tag <img src="Kitten"> generates a Content Element named ”Kitten”.