Sub- and SuperGroup Setups
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    Sub- and SuperGroup Setups

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    Article summary

    SuperGroups: Set-Up Possibilities​

    A ​SuperGroup​ is a combination of regular recipient groups. Using a SuperGroup makes it possible to create and send a message to more than one group at a time.

    SuperGroups can be used in a number of ways, depending on your company size and number of newsletters.

    SuperGroups can be used in the following two set-ups:

    1. Use SuperGroups to send personalized messages for local offices, based on one central newsletter version.

    2. Use SuperGroups to send previews of messages to managers before the final sendout.

    Example 1: Personalized messages for local offices​

    SuperGroups can be used to centralize message creation, while still allowing for local variations. This set-up can be used ensure adherence to a company-wide brand identity, while still allowing for content that feels "local".

    One central message is created with general content that is applicable to all recipients of all subgroups. Certain elements (images, paragraphs) are personalized with content targeted to the recipients of the various subgroup newsletters. The message is sent as a SuperMessage to the SuperGroup. During sendout, personalized elements are inserted into the central message. Thus, each subgroup receives a targeted, locally relevant message.

    This set-up is accomplished as follows:


    • As many groups as needed are created in Mapp Engage. For example, each local branch office has its own group.


    • One SuperGroup is created. All local shop groups are added to the SuperGroups as subgroups.

    Message Creation


    • SuperMessage: When the newsletter is finished and ready to be sent to customers, it is sent as a SuperMessage. (The recipients of a SuperMessage are the members of the subgroups (e.g. the customers of each local store)).

    • During sendout, the newsletter is personalized so that each subgroup receives a targeted message.

    Example 2: SuperGroup used for message previews​

    SuperGroups can also be used to send previews or test copies of a message to a selected group of recipients before the final sendout takes place.

    This set-up is accomplished as follows:


    • A company has a large number of local shop locations. Each has its own group which includes the customers of that shop.


    • Each local group is contained as a subgroup to one central SuperGroup.

    • The SuperGroup also contains the managers of each local shop. These managers are members of the SuperGroup as well as of their respective local shop's group.


    • Normal Sendout to the SuperGroup: When a newsletter is being prepared, the newsletter author can send previews and drafts to the managers for feedback. To do so, the author sends the previews as a normal message to the SuperGroup. The subgroups (i.e. the customers) do not receive these previews.

    • SuperMessage: When the newsletter is finished and ready to be sent to customers, it is sent as a SuperMessage. The recipients of the SuperMessage are the members of the subgroups, ie. the customers.

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