Summary of Sendout
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    Summary of Sendout

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click ​Create​ New > Message
      Step 1. ​Type​ opens.

    2. Enter message information and select ​Email​ from the list.

    3. Click ​Create​.
      Step 2. ​Content​ opens.

    4. Enter your subject line and content, then click ​Prepare Sendout​.
      Step 3. ​Configuration​ opens.

    5. Create the desired sendout settings and click ​Check Message​.
      Step 4. ​Summary​ opens.


    This window lets you review your message content and sendout settings before you start or schedule the sendout.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Review the content of your message and your sendout settings.

    • Return to previous steps of the message creation wizard to edit the message or change the sendout settings.s

    • Start or schedule message sendout.

    • Open a message preview window that offers you several ways to preview and test your message before sendout.

    Related Topics​

    Sendout Information​



    ​Message Name​

    Shows the message name that is entered in step 1 ​Type​ of the message creation process. The message name identifies the message within your system and is not visible to the recipient.

    ​Email Subject Line​

    Shows the subject of the email message that is entered in step 2 ​Content​ of the message creation process. The subject line is visible to the recipient in their inbox.

    ​External Message ID​

    Shows the external ID that is added in step 1 ​Type​ of the message creation process.

    For more information, see ​Parameters in Message Links​.

    ​Message Category​

    Shows the message category that is assigned in step 2 ​Content​ or step 3 ​Configuration​ of the message creation process.

    For more information, see ​Message Categories​.


    Shows the group to which the message is sent. You select the group in step 3 ​Configuration​ of the message creation process.


    Shows the channel in which Mapp Engage sends the message. Currently, the default email channel is defined during the configuration of your Mapp Engage system.

    ​ Recipients​

    Shows the number of contacts and estimated recipients. The number of recipients is only displayed when no selection is activated for the groups. The recipient count does not reflect whether any recipient addresses appear on a blacklist or Robinson list.


    Shows the selection that is applied in step 3 ​Configuration​ of the message creation process. The selection limits the recipients of the message.

    For more information, see ​Segmentation Builder​.

    ​Percent of Group​

    Shows the percentage of the group members to whom Mapp Engage sends the message. You define the sendout size in step 3 ​Configuration​ of the message creation process.

    ​Email Reply Handling​

    Shows how Mapp Engage reacts to email replies for the group. For example, automatic responses and other feedback. This setting is defined in the group settings.

    For more information, see ​Replies to Email Messages​.

    ​Sender Address​

    Displays the name and address of the sender as they appear in the inbox of the recipient. This setting is defined in the group settings.

    For more information, see ​Reply Handling (tab)​.

    ​Email Attachments​

    Shows a list of the attachments that are added to the message in step ​2. Content​ of the message creation process.

    For more information, see ​Add an Attachment to a Message​.




    ​Prepare Sendout​

    Opens step 3 ​Configuration​ of the message creation wizard. Here you can edit the settings for your email sendout.


    Opens the ​Message Preview​ window. This window offers you several ways to preview and test your message before sendout.

    ​Send Message​

    Starts sendout of the message.

    ​Schedule Message​

    Schedules sendout to take place according to the settings you entered in step 3 ​Configuration​ of the message creation wizard.

    ​Send to Managers​

    Sends the message to the moderators of the group for approval. If you see this button, you lack permission to send the message.

    For more information, see ​Message Moderation​.

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