SuperGroup: Introduction
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    SuperGroup: Introduction

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    Article summary

    A SuperGroup is a combination of regular recipient groups. Using a SuperGroup makes it possible to create and send a message to more than one group at a time. A message sent to a SuperGroup is sent to all of the members of all of the subgroups.

    It is also possible to add members directly to the SuperGroup itself. New recipients added directly to the SuperGroup become members only of the SuperGroup itself, but are not added to the subgroups.

    In the ​Group Overview​ window, SuperGroups are clearly marked with an ​(S)​ behind their names (see Groups (window)​).

    Creating a SuperGroup

    The creation of a SuperGroup is identical to the creation of any other group (see Create a New Group​), except that in the ​New Group​ window, the checkbox SuperGroup is activated (see Create New Group (window)​.

    A newly created SuperGroup does not yet have any subgroups. Subgroups are added to the SuperGroup in the Edit Subgroups for Group window (see Edit Subgroups for Group (window)​).

    Deleting a SuperGroup

    When a SuperGroup is deleted, the subgroups are no longer connected in any way. The subgroups themselves are not deleted. The saved messages and statistics of the SuperGroup remain available in the system.


    Any group that has been added to a SuperGroup is referred to as a subgroup within the Mapp Engage system. The subgroups remain independent from the SuperGroup and do not lose their individual identity or settings. Groups that are members of a SuperGroup are only referred to and used as subgroups in the context of the SuperGroup.

    Subgroups are added to or removed from a SuperGroup in the Edit Subgroups for Group window (see Edit Subgroups for Group (window)​).

    There is no limit to the number of subgroups that can be added to a SuperGroup.

    It is possible for one recipient to be a member of more than one subgroup within a SuperGroup. However, please note that this recipient will receive more than one copy of a message sent to the SuperGroup.

    One SuperGroup can be a subgroup of another SuperGroup. It is also possible for a SuperGroup to be a subgroup of itself.

    When a SuperGroup is a member of another SuperGroup, it behaves like a normal group in that specific context.


    SuperGroup A contains several subgroups (1, 2, 3) as well as several of its own members (Mary, Joe, Bob).

    SuperGroup A is a member of SuperGroup B.

    When a SuperMessage is sent to SuperGroup B, only the members of SuperGroup A (Mary, Joe, Bob) receive the message. Subgroups 1, 2 and 3 do not receive the message.

    Sending Messages to SuperGroups​

    For a SuperGroup, there are two possible sendouts:

    1. Normal Message: The recipients of a normal message sent to a SuperGroup are only the members of the SuperGroup itself. The subgroups do NOT receive a copy of the message in this case.

    2. SuperMessage: The recipients of a SuperMessage are not the members of the the SuperGroup, but the members of the subgroups. A SuperMessage is NOT sent to the members of the SuperGroup unless the SuperGroup is a subgroup of itself.

      • A message sent to one subgroup as part of a SuperMessage is referred to in Mapp Engage as a submessage. After sendout, the SuperMessage is displayed in the ​Processed Messages Overview (window)​. To view the submessages, click  in the ​Type​ column.

      • Tracking results of the SuperMessage are aggregated and displayed as one common SuperMessage statistic in the ​Message Statistics Overview​ window (see Message Statistics Overview (window)​). To view the submessage statistics, click  in the ​Type​ column.

    To compose and send a message to a SuperGroup, the message is prepared as normal in Mapp Engage. In the ​Configuration for Sendout​, from the ​Choose Group​ drop-down list, the desired SuperGroup is selected. An additional checkbox allows you to specify whether the message should be sent to the SuperGroup members as a normal message, or to the members of all subgroups as a SuperMessage.


    For more set-up possibilities with super groups and subgroups, see Sub- and SuperGroup Setups​.

    The following common use case scenario can easily be realised with SuperGroups:

    A company has a large number of shop locations in London. The customers of each local shop are stored together in groups, e.g. ​LondonNorth​, ​LondonWest​, ​LondonCentral​, etc. These local shop groups are all grouped together in a SuperGroup called ​LondonShops​.

    The managers of each local shop are added to the SuperGroup as individual SuperGroup members.

    When a newsletter is being prepared, the central newsletter author can send previews and drafts to the managers for feedback by sending a normal message to the SuperGroup. The subgroups (i.e. the customers) do not receive these previews.

    When the newsletter is finished and ready to be sent to customers, it is sent as a SuperMessage. The recipients of the SuperMessage are the subgroups, ie. the customers. Each submessage contains personalized elements that pertain to events hosted at each local store.

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