SuperMessage Center (window)
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    SuperMessage Center (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the ​Main Navigation​ menu, click​ Statistics​.
      ⇒ The ​Group Message Statistics Overview​ window opens.

    2. Click ​View SuperMessage Statistics​.
      ⇒ The ​SuperMessage Center​ window opens.

    The SuperMessage Center Window​

    The ​SuperMessage Center​ window provides a summary of the most important information regarding the delivery performance, recipient activity, potential reach and conversions for a SuperMessage. The performance indicators shown for the SuperMessage are an aggregation (summary) of the statistical data for each of the individual messages sent.

    Statistics for the individual sendouts shown here as a SuperMessage can be retrieved separately. Simply open only the desired message using its group in the statistics overview (see ​Group Message Statistics (window)​). The individual sendouts initiated by the SuperMessage are not statistically different from other group messages.

    Only the aggregation of data here in the ​SuperMessage Center​ window makes a difference in how the data is evaluated (see ​Evaluating SuperMessage Statistics​).

    The performance indicators for the SuperMessage are sums of the statistical results of the individually sent messages. At the recipient level, the information referenced as unique is to be examined carefully.

    Areas of Information​

    • Message Name: This entry displays the name of the message. This name is used to identify the message within the system and is not visible to recipients.

    • Basic Information: This area provides general information about the message and makes it possible to identify the sent message.

      • SuperMessage ID: The entry shows the ID of the SuperMessage that is automatically assigned by the system when sending messages. The SuperMessage ID is unique. The ID has no connection to the IDs of the messages sent as individual messages through the SuperMessage.

      • Number of Submessages: This entry shows the number of individual messages sent as part of the SuperMessage.

      • SuperGroup: The entry shows the name of the SuperGroup to which the SuperMessage was sent.

      • Start: This entry displays the start time when message sendout was started in Engage.

      • End: This entry displays the end time when our servers completed the message sendout.

      • Duration: This entry displays the processing duration of the SuperMessage in Engage, i.e. end time - start time. The sendout duration can be modified in the sendout options settings for the Group (see Sendout Options (tab)​).

    • Delivery Performance: The ​Delivery Performance​ area provides information about the sendout and delivery of a message.

      • Accepted Rate: This entry displays the percentage of messages that were accepted by the receiving Message Transfer Agent (MTA). It does not distinguish whether messages were delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client server and did not produce a bounce.
        The Accepted Rate is calculated as follows:

        Accepted Rate = Accepted Messages within the SuperGroup / Messages Sent within the SuperGroup​

      • Messages Sent: This entry shows the sum of all messages sent successfully through the Engage Message Transfer Agent (MTA) with the message ID of the SuperMessage.

      • Accepted Messages: This entry shows the total number of messages that were accepted by the email provider's Message Transfer Agent (MTA). It does not distinguish whether messages were delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client server and did not produce a bounce.
        According to the eec, accepted messages are calculated as follows:

        Accepted Messages = Accepted Messages within the SuperGroup - Bounced within the SuperGroup​

      • Bounced: This is the number of messages that were rejected by the receiving server. The system differentiates between hard and soft bounces. Bounces do not include messages that go into the spam folder or that are answered through automatic replies (e.g. out of office messages).
        However, it occasionally happens that a receiving MTA incorrectly sends a bounce message back to the sending server. These "false alarm" bounce messages can be checked by evaluating user activities tracked by our system, e.g. an open or a click. In this case, the message is no longer considered a bounce, and does not contribute to the total number of bounces in the message statistics.
        Bounces are either hard bounces or soft bounces, according to the eec:
        Hard Bounces: delivery failure for permanent conditions such as a non-existent email address.
        Soft Bounces: delivery failure due to a temporary condition such as a full inbox.

      • Skipped: This entry shows the total number of addresses which were sorted out of all SuperMessages by the system before sendout. An address can be skipped during sendout for several reasons. For example, if the address is on a blacklist or Robinson list, or if no address is stored in the user profile.

      • Pie Chart: This chart provides a visual display of the total Messages Sent with the message ID of the SuperMessage, divided into Accepted Rate, Hard Bounce Rate, and Soft Bounce Rate. By scrolling your mouse over the bars of the chart, the actual number for each category is displayed.
        Accepted Rate: This entry displays the percentage of messages that were accepted by the receiving Message Transfer Agent (MTA). This includes emails delivered to the inbox, spam, or junk folders. Accepted messages are thus all messages that arrived at the email client server and did not produce a bounce.
        Soft Bounce Rate: Displays the percentage of soft bounces, i.e. delivery failure due to temporary problems such as a full inbox.
        Hard Bounce Rate: Displays the percentage of hard bounces, i.e. delivery failure due to a permanent condition such as a non-existent email address.

    • Recipient Activity: The ​Recipient Activity​ area provides information about all activity that takes place after successful delivery of a message and is related to the recipient.

      • Confirmed Open Rate: The Confirmed Open Rate displays the number of opened messages divided by the number of accepted messages.
        The Confirmed Open Rate is calculated as follows:

        Confirmed Open Rate = Messages Opened within the SuperGroup / Accepted Messages within the SuperGroup​

      • Messages Opened: This entry displays the number of opened messages. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts once per message. In addition to using a tracking pixel to identify an opener, all other recipient activity within a message (e.g. clicking on a link) counts as an open.

      • Confirmed Opens: This entry displays the total number of times a message was opened.
        According to the eec, this represents the total number of times an email is displayed (whether fully opened or within the preview pane), the tracking pixel is loaded or the recipient clicks a link contained in the message, including the unsubscribe link.

      • Messages Clicked: This entry displays the number of messages in which a link was clicked. If a recipient clicks one or more links multiple times, this is only counted once per message.

      • Total Clicks: This entry displays the total number of clicks on any link contained in a message according to the message ID of the SuperMessage.

      • Bar Chart: The bar chart provides a graphical representation of the recorded opens and clicks. By scrolling your mouse over the bars of the chart, the actual number for each category is displayed. The bar chart can be printed or exported as a graphic.

      • Messages Opened: This entry displays the number of opened messages. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts one time. In addition to using a tracking pixel to identify an opener, all other recipient activity within a message (e.g. clicking on a link) counts as an opener.

      • Messages Clicked: This entry displays the number of messages in which a link was clicked. If a recipient clicks more than one link in the message, this only counts once per message.

      • Print: The drop-down list item ​Print​ prints the chart.

      • Export: The drop-down list item ​Export​ exports the chart as an image file.

    • Losses and Potential Reach: This area displays problems that occurred during sendout and delivery of the message, and how many forwards resulted from the message.
      Addresses Lost: This area displays the numbers of addresses that are no longer available for contact in future sendouts within this SuperGroup (and SuperMessage). Addresses may be "lost" either due to an automatic process (invalid domains, hard bounces) or because of a recipient's reaction to your mail (spam complaints, unsubscribes).

      • Unsubscribes: This entry shows the number of unsubscribe requests from a received message generated by the unsubscribe link contained in the email.

      • Hard Bounces: This entry displays the number of hard bounces.

      • Spam Complaints: This entry shows the number of messages flagged as spam by recipients in their inbox. As not every email provider reports this activity back to the system, the actual number of spam complaints may be higher.

      • Invalid Domains: This entry displays the number of messages that could not be delivered due to a domain deemed invalid by the CEP MTA and were removed before message sendout.

      • Additional Sends: This area displays the number of recipients who additionally received the message outside of the initial sendout, i.e. through a forwarded message.

      • Total Forwards: This entry shows the number of recipients who received the message with the CEP forwarding function. Forwards directly from the email client (e.g. Outlook, Gmail) cannot be calculated.

    • Conversions: This area displays the most important KPIs for evaluating the success of your campaigns.

      • Conversion Rate: This entry displays the percentage of Conversions (Unique) divided by the accepted messages.
        This Conversion Rate is calculated as follows:

        ​Conversion Rate = Conversions (Unique) within the SuperGroup / Accepted messages within the SuperGroup

      • Conversions (Unique): This entry displays the number of accepted messages that resulted in a conversion. This entry is not specific to one conversion tracking. That is, every recipient who completes a conversion based on any conversion tracking contained in the message is counted per message. The Conversions (Unique) is calculated on the basis of the last click activity in this message. For further information, see ​Calculation of Conversions​.

      • Conversions (Total): The entry shows the total number of conversions. This entry is not specific to one conversion tracking. That is, every recipient who completes a conversion based on any conversion tracking contained in the message is counted. The Conversions (Total) is calculated on the basis of the last click activity. For further information, see ​Calculation of Conversions​.

      • Total Sales: This entry displays the total sales resulting from the SuperMessage. This entry is not specific to one conversion tracking. That is, any sale resulting from conversion tracking contained in the message is included here.

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