Process Control XML
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    Process Control XML

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    Article summary

    This job was previously called: SOAP Control Message.

    This job imports a Control XML job package from an FTP server or SCP service. The Control XML file contains instructions for performing a range of operations in Mapp Engage. These operations include the creation of groups, the import or update of recipients, and the creation and sendout of messages.

    Mapp Engage is able to receive and process instructions that are contained in an XML job package. This process is offered as an alternative to the SOAP and REST interfaces for transferring larger quantities of data. This interface uses comprehensive XML data sets that are transferred to Mapp in various ways. Together with the XML, the transfer includes other mass data like recipient lists, attachments, or images.

    Instructions for creating a Control XML job package can be found on the Mapp Engage API help pages.

    The link next to the ​Job​ drop-down list opens the ​Validate/Process Control XML​ window.

    Basic Settings​


    This input field defines the name of the automation. The name is used to identify the automation in the system. It appears on the ​Time-based Automations Overview​ window (see Time-Based Automations Overview (window)). The maximum length is 100 characters.


    This input field defines a description of the automation. The description makes it easier to identify the automation in the system. This is helpful if many automations of the same type are created.


    This input field defines the job. For a list of all available jobs, see All Available Time-Based Jobs​.

    Define Job

    This area defines the specific parameters of the job.

    • System Name: This drop-down list defines your Mapp Engage system. If you have more than one domain, multiple domains appear in the drop-down list.

    • File Location: This input field defines the server where the Control XML job package is located. A connection can be established to a server address over FTP (FTP, PFTP (passive FTP), AFTP (active FTP), SFTP, FTPS), SCP, HTTP (HTTP, HTTPS), and SOAP.
      This address has the following format: protocol://user:password@host.port/url-path.
      The server account credentials can be encrypted with ​Credentials​ records. The user name, password, and complete user account are specified with placeholders for Credentials records. For more information, see Credentials Options​.

    • Source File: This input field defines the file name or pattern of the Control XML file. This input field can also be used to identify different files that are uploaded to the same location. In this case, a file pattern is specified using the asterisk as a wildcard character. For example, the file pattern ​*.xml​ uploads any XML file that is uploaded to the location specified in the ​Address​ field. Complex patterns can be specified with a regular expression. The following source file types are supported:

      • XML: Job packages that do not contain references to attachments are processed as a single XML file.

      • gzip: Job packages that contain references to attachments (an XML control file that is named ​main.xml​ and optional gzip-compressed external references) are processed as a single gzip archive. Only one level of compression is supported.

    Automations that upload or import files from a server process the specified files at the scheduled time, even if the source file is incomplete. Use a different file name or extension when transferring files to the server and rename the file with a script when the transfer is complete.

    • Encoding: This drop-down list defines the character encoding of the source file. The   symbol opens a window. In the window, it is possible to search all encoding options in the system.

    • File is Zipped: This drop-down list defines whether the Control XML file is packaged in a compressed format.



    This button saves changes and opens the ​Schedule Time-based Automation​ window. Here the date and time of execution are defined (see Schedule Time-Based Automation (window)​).

    Send Report​

    This area allows you to send an import report to Mapp Engage system users. You can send the report to up to 10 system users.

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