- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
The following table gives you an overview of the different versions of pixel v5 with the newly added features as well as the fixed bugs.
Version | Description | Configuration Parameter |
5.3.1 | Replacement of the deprecated event 'unload' with 'pagehide' | - |
5.3.0 | Requests are not sent when the user leaves the site (iOS 15+) | - |
5.2.9 | Support temporary session ID for anonymous tracking | temporarySessionId, saveTemporarySessionId |
Support tracking of shadow DOM elements | linkTrackShadowRoot | |
The CDB is deactivated by default | execCDB | |
Form requests are not tracked when the page is hidden | - | |
5.2.8 | Add tracking parameter (pf, cs801 and cs802) for pixel feature usage | - |
5.2.7 | Limit number of retries to send requests in request queue | requestQueueRetries, requestQueueRetriesOption |
5.2.6 | Pixel does not use xwteid value for 3rd party cookies | - |
5.2.5 | Create option for Mapp user matching | - |
Add a property to configure request limitation | requestLimitActivated | |
Anonymous tracking not consistent with tab browsing and pre-rendering | - | |
5.2.4 | Change "wt_rla" cookie duration to session | - |
Fixed: TabBrowsing uses the wrong timestamp | - | |
Added additional parameters to exclude when using anonymous tracking in the Mapp Intelligence Plugin | - | |
5.2.3 | User Identification Opt-In | enableAnonymousFunction, anonymousOptIn, anonymousCookieName |
Support linebreaks in page name for request queue | - | |
5.2.2 | Support anonymous tracking | enableIdentificationOptOut , optOutIdentificationName , suppressIdentificationParameter wt.setIdentifierOptOut();, wt.removeIdentifierOptOut(); |
| - | |
5.2.0 | Support server-to-server communication | sendViaServerActivated, sendViaServerDomain, sendViaServerPath, sendViaServerDroppedRequests, sendViaServerBlacklist |
Fixed focus and blur event problem on MacOS for form tracking | - | |
5.1.1 | "Web to App Tracking" added. | sendViaSDK |
Support of pre-rendering in Safari 12.2. | ignorePrerendering | |
Support CTRL & Left Mouse Button when using "delayLinkTrack." | - | |
5.1.0 | Requests are written to the request queue immediately. | - |
Commas in page names are now supported. | - | |
CDB for Safari disabled (ITP 2.1). | - | |
5.0.9 | The "Request Queue" feature has been integrated. | requestQueueActivated, requestQueueTTL, requestQueueResendInterval, requestQueueSize |
Only the tracking parameters that differ from the default value are sent. | - | |
Tracking parameters that are not supported are removed. | - | |
5.0.8 | Webtrekk Real Time Bidding has been removed. | - |
5.0.7 | Random character string that is appended after the tracking endpoint ("wt"). | requestObfuscation |
Random order of all tracking parameters (including "p"). | requestObfuscation | |
Automatically generated page name contains a hash value. | - | |
Ignore Ever ID if the timestamp is greater than 15 minutes. | - | |
5.0.6 | Ability to filter URL fragments from the page URL. | pageURLPattern, pageURLReplace |
Extension of the Webtrekk App SDKs (Android) to overwrite the Ever ID. | - | |
Changed default value for "execRTA = false". | - | |
5.0.5 | Security fix for overlay/ heatmap. | - |
5.0.4 | RTA and CDB are completely disabled if the user has first-party opt-out/ sampling cookie. | - |
The Webtrekk App SDKs (iOS and Android) can overwrite the Ever ID on the page (web view). | - | |
The Ever ID is regenerated if it is not valid (wrong timestamp). | validateEverId | |
The pixel version is added to the CDB request. | - | |
5.0.3 | The Ever ID is readable via the URL hash. | - |
5.0.2 | The function to overwrite the referrer URL was added. | setReferrer |
The CDBEID is now sent every 15 minutes. | - | |
The CDBEID image service timeout increased from 500 ms to 2000 ms. | - | |
5.0.1 | No more "pu" parameters in form and heatmap requests. | - |