Target Audiences with Relevant Products
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    Target Audiences with Relevant Products

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    Article summary


    Use a contact's order history to send them relevant product information.

    For example, send a message notifying contacts of a new product, but leave out those who already purchased a similar product recently.


    Segment option 1

    Show detailed configuration

    Use a related dataset created and maintained by your organization:  Related Data > Related Data Condition .

    • Condition 1

      Select the related data set you want to use. Add a filter that will identify the product. 

    • Condition 2

      Add another filter to specify the date, for example, a relative date range of the last six weeks.

    • Condition 3

      The number of occurences should equal 0, since the contact has not purchased the product yet.

    Segment option 2


    Show detailed configuration

    Use the predefined Transaction related dataset that can be populated automatically, for example by a Mapp Acquire event.

    • Condition 1

      Add a filter to specifz the product name.

    • Condition 2

      Specify the relative ate range, for example, the last six weeks.

    • Condition 3

      The number of occurences should equal 0, since the contact has not purchased the product yet.

    Follow-up Action

    Use the segment in your sendout, or to build a Whiteboard.

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