Tracking Process Flow
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    Tracking Process Flow

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    Article summary

    The Mapp Intelligence Android SDK uses a highly efficient and background-optimized process for tracking user interactions and app activities. Below is an overview of the main steps involved in the tracking system:

    Process Overview

    The following diagram provides a visual representation of the tracking system architecture, showing how the Mapp SDK collects, processes, and transmits tracking data:

    1) Data Collection

    User interactions and app activities are continuously collected in the background to ensure that the main threads remain unblocked and the app’s performance is not affected.

    • Tracking API: The Mapp Android SDK collects this data through the tracking API, sending user actions and app events as requests to the Mapp Intelligence (formerly Webtrekk) tracking system.

    • Buffered Tracking: The collected data is buffered to ensure seamless data capture, even during brief connectivity issues or if the device is offline.

    2) Data Provision

    Once tracking data is collected, it is sent to Mapp’s tracking servers at regular intervals, optimizing battery usage and network resources.

    • Scheduled Intervals: Data is sent every 15 minutes, leveraging the WorkManager to schedule the requests.

    • Network-Aware Transmission: If the mobile device is online, requests are sent automatically at predefined intervals. If the device is offline, the SDK buffers the data and sends it once the network connection is restored.

    The WorkManager ensures that the data is sent whether the app is in the foreground, background, or even when the app is not actively running. This guarantees that no tracking data is lost, even under challenging conditions.

    3) Data Evaluation

    Once the tracking data is sent to the Mapp tracking servers, it is processed and made available for analysis in Mapp Intelligence.

    • Real-Time Analytics: The tracked data is visualized in Mapp Intelligence, enabling real-time insights into user behavior and app performance.

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