Transaction Registered
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    Transaction Registered

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    Article summary

    This event registers when a new transaction is recorded from any source other than the import event.





    • Any Transaction

    • Specific Transaction:

      • Any of the following

      • All of the following

    Add Criteria

    • Criteria: You can add criteria only when you select Specific Transaction. The following criteria are predefined:

      • Total order value

      • Product name

      • Product SKU

      • Product category

      • Product brand

      • Purchase source

    • Operator: for all criteria except Total order value, the operator is by default "contains" and cannot be edited. For Total order value the following operators are available:

      • Does Not Equal

      • Equals

      • Is Greater Than

      • Is Greater Than or Equals

      • Is Less Than

      • Is Less Than or Equals

    • Value: Lets you add the relevant value to the selected criterion, e.g. a number for Product SKU

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    System Transactions

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