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TV and radio tracking
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This article provides you with instructions for setting up TV/Radio tracking in Mapp Intelligence correctly and shows how it works and the ways in which it can be used.
How it works
To enable you to better understand and monitor the success of your TV/Radio campaigns, you can filter out impulse buyers in a targeted manner using TV/Radio tracking. The tracking looks at all direct entries and search queries (paid and organic) containing defined brand names (brand search), that are executed, for example, up to five minutes after broadcast. The time period can be configured flexibly.
In doing so the TV/Radio visitor can be recognized automatically based on the algorithm. Generally, non-brand search queries can, but do not have to be taken into consideration.
As a result of this, all visits will be flagged as TV/Radio visits, which access the page via the following entry sources within the defined time period after the broadcast:
Direct entry: All visitors, that enter the web address of the brand manufacturer in their browser.
Brand search: All visitors, that used the brand keyword in a search.
Non-brand (optional): All visitors, that access the website via a non-brand search query.
The major benefit of this is, that the identification of the session takes place after the spot has been broadcast. After all, the times communicated in advance by the broadcasting companies and agencies can rarely be met, and deviations amounting to a few minutes are not unusual.
With Mapp Intelligence you can import the actual times into the tool up to 30 days after the spot has run, in order to flag the sessions exactly. With the help of an Excel file, the data is imported and the visits in the raw data are flagged.
The TV/Radio feature must first be activated for you. Following this you will have the possibility to activate all required session parameters under Mapp Q3 > Configuration. This can be found on the Interfaces tab.
Now select the interface TV&Radio.
Tick the checkbox next to Activate TV&Radio to activate all required session parameters. Optionally, you can activate the function Integrate all search engine access in order to take all non-brand access into consideration. Click on Save to activate all session parameters.
To import the data, click the button Import broadcast times in the upper right-hand corner after saving the configuration.
The input screen will appear after clicking Import broadcast time. Here you can export the pre-formatted Excel table under Download Template.
Fill out this template with your TV/Radio data and then import it by entering the path to the required location and then clicking Import File.
This input screen also enables you to delete previously imported TV/Radio data and thus remove the parameter from the flagged sessions.
To do this use the Delete tab. Choose the time period and delete the imported data from the system by clicking Delete.
The exported file is pre-formatted and may not be changed; this applies in particular to the rows one to four. The rows after these (from 5) can be populated with individual designations, whereby the spelling of "Spot sending time" (column I) and "Costs per Spot" (column M) may not be changed. All rows (from 5) must remain formatted as "Text"!
The columns flagged with a "*" are mandatory fields, such as "Name of spot" and "Spot sending time". All other columns are optional and can thus be left completely empty if you have no values for example.
Please note, that only one region can be specified per row. This must be named as shown in the analysis Visitors > Geography > Region from Mapp Intelligence. |
This point must be remembered above all for radio advertisements, as these are often only broadcast regionally.
Under "Flagrate" you can specify, what percentage of the sessions you want to be flagged. If it is set to 50%, for example, every second visit made to your website via "direct" or "brand" during the configured time - and optionally also via all search engine access - is flagged.
If this column is left blank, the tool calculates an automatic flag rate: For example, if 100 users access the site via "direct" or "brand" within the five minutes before the ad, and 150 users access the site within the five minutes after the ad, based on this delta, 50 of the 150 sessions will be flagged.
The time period used for this is configured under Mapp Q3 > Configuration > Marketing Configuration > General Settings. This should be entered a couple of minutes before the import of the ad times. The default time of 5 minutes can be changed if required.
After importing the data the corresponding sessions will be flagged after the next account update (usually one to two hours). They will then be available for the analyses.
Use cases
Analyses and metrics (default)
After the interface has been activated and the respective times have been imported, analyses of the TV/Radio parameters are available in the menu under Visitors > Session parameters > Tv&Radio….
The following analyses are available:
TV&Radio-Spot sending time
TV&Radio-Genre after
TV&Radio-Genre before
TV&Radio-Costs per Spot
TV&Radio-Position in commercial break
TV&Radio-Broadcast station
TV&Radio-Spot duration
TV&Radio-Name of spot
TV&Radio-Environment after
TV&Radio-Environment before
TV&Radio-Commercial breaks total
The following metrics are available for the analyses:
TV&Radio-Spot sending time
Qty TV&Radio-Flight
Qty TV&Radio-Genre before
Qty TV&Radio-Genre after
Qty TV&Radio-Costs per Spot
Qty TV&Radio-Theme
Qty TV&Radio-Position in commercial break
Qty TV&Radio-Range
Qty TV&Radio-Broadcast Station
Qty TV&Radio-Spot duration
Qty TV&Radio-Name of spot
Qty TV&Radio-Environment after
Qty TV&Radio-Environment before
Qty TV&Radio-Commercial breaks total
TV parameters, that are imported as metrics:
TV&Radio-Costs per Spot
TV&Radio-Spot duration
Helpful notes on configuring the TV/Radio session parameters
Creating own metrics and formulas
We recommend deriving further meaningful key figures from the imported TV metrics and then saving them under Mapp Intelligence > Custom Figures > Custom Formula.
For example:
Formula | Calculation |
CPO (Cost per Order) | TV&Radio-Costs per Spot / Qty Orders |
CPNV (Cost per New Visitor) | TV&Radio-Costs per spot / New Visitors |
CPV (Cost per Visit) | TV&Radio-Costs per Spot / Visits |
CPL (Cost per Lead) | TV&Radio-Costs per Spot / New Registrations |
Populating the session parameters
All TV&Radio session parameters are predefined. The session parameters of the type Text can be populated with alternative information. The logic of the session parameters of the type Figure should not be changed due to the internal calculation logic.
Important: The preconfigured parameter "TV&Radio-Costs per Spot" (data type Figure) is processed on the database side and divided by the number of parameters, that have been entered. This enables the costs of the individual sessions to be displayed.
All other TV parameters of the data type Figure are multiplied in the analysis by the number of parameters, that have been entered.
Name of the spots
If you broadcast spots, which advertise products and change regularly, you should take note of that in the spot name. This makes it easier to complete analyses later on.
Example analyses
You can, of course, also filter out specific TV/Radio parameters or use the wildcard "*" to analyze all visits to your site, which were "the result of a TV/Radio parameter", for example during the daily or hourly analysis.
Analysis: Individual analysis
The scope of these filters is set to "Visits" by default in order to limit the analyses to visits, that have been assigned to TV/Radio. Alternatively, the scope can be extended to "Visitors" to allow a cross-visit analyses.
The easiest way to analyze the TV/Radio flagging parameter is by using a multi-dimensional analysis. This will enable you, for example, to display the number of visits, the quantity of orders, and the order value, which were generated by TV/Radio visitors on a certain day, due to a certain channel and TV/Radio spot.
Analysis: Individual analysis
Notes on use
Data can be uploaded automatically via JSON/data feed/tool frontend.
New imports result in the existing data being overwritten or data being updated from the same time period.
No TV/Radio sessions can be flagged for the current day.
Flagging can be carried out for up to 30 days in the past, and this timeframe can be extended to 90 days if required.
The data is available after the account is updated next.