User Interface 1.1 – Custom Reports
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    User Interface 1.1 – Custom Reports

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    Article summary

    This training document shows, how to create reports in Mapp Intelligence.


    Find more information in the course Mapp Intelligence - Reports.

    1. What are reports?

    A report often consists of several individually configured analyses. It can be dispatched automatically via e-mail or to a SFTP server.

    Besides analyses there are further elements that are only available in reports.

    Reports also provide the possibility to use Live elements. These show information in near real time.

    Detailed information can be found in the training chapter on Live Elements in Reports.

    Only reports can be shared with other users. These users can access the report and – if they have the corresponding rights – edit the report. Reports can be linked among each other. This enables you to create a general report that links to more detailed reports.

    2 Accessing a report

    2.1 Reports in the main menu

    The report section in the main menu contains a link to the report overview as well as a list of the report favorites.

    The report favorites can be expanded in order to show the containing elements of the type "Analysis" and directly navigate to the corresponding analyses.

    In the report overview, reports can be marked as favorites.

    2.2 Report overview

    The report overview lists all available reports and provides various functions.

    • Reports can be structured by using folders.
      Often it is useful to cluster the reports by topics (e.g., folders for Marketing, Management) or by department.

    2.2.1 Report folders

    Reports can be added to folders by doing one of the following things:

    • Dragging & Dropping the report in the corresponding folder

    • Choosing the folder in the report options

    • Selecting the reports and clicking on the following symbol:

    • Each report can be stored in exactly one folder.

    • New folders can be created by clicking on the corresponding symbol.

    • Empty folders (i.e., folders that do not contain a report) cannot be saved.

    • In the report overview, reports can be shown with and without folders.

    • Folders can be renamed or removed using the extended options.

    2.2.2 Columns

    Several information can be shown by selecting different columns, for example:

    • Categories: Allows for sharing reports with other users

    • Grouping: e.g. Reports created by me, Reports shared with me, Mapp Reports…

    • Created at/by

    • Last edited by/at: Shows by whom and when the report has last been

      • saved within the Edit mode, or

      • moved to another folder.

    • Auto-Refresh: Allows to update the report automatically with each raw data update. If activated, also images in dynamic boxes will be updated. Can only be activated for a limited number of reports.

    • Dispatch: Allows you to access dispatch schedules

    Using the table configuration, you can choose which information is shown.

    You can export this data in the User Management.

    2.2.3 Sorting and Search

    • Sorting
      You can sort ascending or descending for a column by clicking on it. The sorting is saved for each user and account.

    • Search
      You can search for the Title, Description, Category and Folder.
      The result is shown as list.

    2.2.4 Actions and other options

    For reports, you can perform the following actions:

    • Actions

      • Edit

      • Add to favorites: The report is shown in the main menu.

    • Dispatch

      • Opens the dispatch schedules overview

      • The clock symbol can have three different statuses:

    • Other options

      • Set as landing page: The report is shown directly after logging in to Mapp Intelligence.

      • Enable start dialog: Allows for adapting the time period and report filters before the calculation starts.

      • Report options: Opens the report options.

      • Dispatch scheduling: Opens the dispatch schedules overview.

      • Create a copy: Enables you to copy the report, also across accounts. The used filters can be adapted.

      • Delete

      • Share: Creates a link that allows to directly access the report. To access the report, it is necessary to login to Mapp Intelligence.

    2.2.5 Selecting more than one report

    Reports can be selected by clicking on the checkboxes.

    Reports selected that way can altogether be deleted or moved to another folder.

    2.3 Report view

    The report view shows the report content and offers various options.

    If a report contains report filters, all elements can be limited to these filters.

    • You cannot edit a filter with a lock symbol next to it within the report view. This is a locked filter that can only be edited in the Edit mode.

    • Changes made to filters in the view mode are not saved permanently. To save them permanently, you have to switch to the "Edit" mode.

    • You can hide or show the whole report filter area.

    2.4 Regular export

    At dispatch scheduling, you can set up a regular, automated export via e-mail or to a server.

    For each report, you can set multiple dispatch schedules - for example, one to export the report daily, and one to export it weekly.

    • Export formats: CSV, Excel, PDF
      Only in PDF files diagrams, visualizations, dynamic boxes and, if shown, report filters are depicted.

    More information can be found in this How-To.

    Saved report filters are applied in exports.

    2.5 Manual export

    In the report view, reports can be exported ad-hoc as e-mail or download.

    • Export formats: CSV, Excel, PDF

    • Only in PDF files diagrams, visualizations, dynamic boxes and, if shown, report filters are depicted.

    2.6 Sharing via Link

    In the report view, you can copy a link to this report. This way, you can share the report by sending the link to other Mapp Intelligence users.

    • When clicking the link, the user is forwarded to the report when he logged in.

    • Please note that the user must have access to the report. This can be configured in the report options by assigning the report to a category.

    2.7 Copy a report

    In the report view, you can create a copy of your report in its current state. You can copy it within this account or across accounts. This functionality can also be accessed from the report overview.

    3. Setting up and editing a report

    3.1 Setting up a report

    There are two ways to create a new report:

    1. Via Reports > Overview > Create new report.

    2. Via adding an existing analysis to a report.
      For doing so, select the dialogue Add to > Report within an analysis.
      A new window will open; choose "new report" here.

    3. Afterwards, basic properties of the report can be configured. Further information can be found in the section on report options.

    3.2 Editing reports

    In the Edit Mode, all elements can be configured, arranged and new elements can be added.

    The following adaptions can be made:

    • Add and edit elements and report filters

    • Changing the report options (e.g. dispatch via e-mail, sharing reports, time period)

    In the edit mode, the data values that are shown are sampled to increase the calculation speed.

    3.3 Adding Elements

    In Edit mode, further elements can be added to reports.

    The following elements are available:

    • Analysis / Analysis Live

    • Single KPI / Single KPI Live

    • Sparkline / Sparkline Live

    • Dynamic Box

    • Report filters

    Information on Live Elements (which are optionally available) can be found in the training chapter on Live Elements in Reports.


    3.3.1 Analysis

    In the window "Add analysis" an analysis can be chosen.

    The default setup is loaded, which then can be customized.

    Alternatively, within an analysis (outside of a report) you can choose Add to > Report.

    • Afterwards, choose the report to which the analysis should be added or choose to
      create a new one.

    • Moreover, you can change the setting for the analysis to be taken over.

    Each analysis can be opened separately via „Open analysis“.

    3.3.2 Single KPI and Sparkline

    Metrics and Formulas can be shown in a report as "Single KPI" or "Sparkline".
    "Single KPI" shows the total number, "Sparkline" shows the development on a daily basis.

    In general, a time comparison should be activated for each metric or formula.
    Only by doing so a quick evaluation is possible.

    The options allow to adapt the configuration.

    • Adaptions made here only have an effect on this specific Single KPI or Sparkline.

    • The following adaptions can be made:

      • Changing the title

      • Filtering

      • Decimal Places shown

      • Alternative time period (is shown in the element)

      • Activating the comparison

    In general, a time comparison should be activated for each metric or formula.
    Only by doing so a quick evaluation is possible.  

    • Single KPI
      The comparison is shown below the value of the formular or metric.
      The comparison time period is visible on mouse over.

    • Sparkline
      The comparison period is shown in grey.
      Details are visible on mouse over.

    When editing a Single KPI or Sparkline, you can either choose "Other period" or "Sliding window".

    • Other period
      Use the calendar to choose the comparison period.

    • Sliding window
      The comparison period is chosen automatically. Here you also can choose whether the comparison period should include the same amount of each weekday.

      • Preceding: the period directly before the analysis period

      • In previous year: the same period one year ago

      • In previous quarter: the same period one quarter ago

      • In previous month: the same period one month ago

    3.3.3 Dynamic Box

    The "Dynamic Box" provides a flexible input area to add e.g. notes, pictures, presentations
    and links to the report.

    Inserting images from websites:
    1. Right click on the image and copy it.

    2. Click in the Dynamic Box, make a right click and choose "Paste".

    Inserting images from YouTube videos:
    1. Open the video on Youtube and choose "Share > Embed".

    2. Select options as desired and click "Copy".

    3. Click on the Dynamic Box, choose the source code symbol, and paste the code.

    4. If necessary, change the size of the dynamic box by dragging it with the mouse.

    Inserting a link to another Mapp Intelligence report that is available in this login:
    1. Click on Reports > Overview and choose "… > Share" at the report that you want to link to. Afterwards, copy the link.

    2. Paste the report into the dynamic box. Choose the link symbol and enter the link at "Url".

    3.3.4 Report filter

    The underlying data of report elements can be restricted using a superordinate filter.

    • Often limiting to countries, device classes or campaign channels is of interest.

      Report filters don‘t have an effect on Dynamic Boxes. LIVE elements can only be filtered on some of the dimensions.

    • At "Add report filter" you can add filters in the Edit mode. Any dimension is available for this filter.

    • Filters can be locked by clicking on the "lock" symbol. In the report view, these filters cannot be adapted.

    • The whole filter area can be shown or hidden. Also, this setting is saved.

    3.4 Report options

    The report options allow for various adaptions.

    Basic options:

    You can find more information here.

    3.5 Metadata Export

    In the User Management, you can export the metadata of all reports in one Excel file. This functionality can be helpful to administer reports.

    Among others, the following data is included in the export:

    • Date of Creation

    • Last edited at/by

    • Description

    • Schedule status

    • Recipients

    You also can export data of reports belonging to specific categories or specific accounts.

    To use this functionality, click on your login name and choose User Management > Exports.

    This option is only available for users in the Admin role.

    4. Tips for an effective reporting

    Mapp Intelligence allows comprehensive reports to be created.

    • Deliver effective reports – "Information instead of data".

    • Protect yourself against an "information overload" and adjust the reporting according to your possibility of taking actions upon the information.
      If you can only make changes to certain areas on a monthly basis, then try not to check the figures each day.

    4.1 Goals and success

    • Targets
      What are your targets for the website and how are you going to measure them? Use targets to define important KPIs.
      E.g. conversion rate, click-out rate

    • Successful or not?
      Define target values in order to assess your actions objectively! Mapp Intelligence supports an import for this kind of data.

    4.2 Report Structure and Target Groups

    • Report Structure
      Take care of a coherent structure of your reports.
      Example: Structuring by user behavior.

      1. Where and who?
        Analyses that show the origin/source of the traffic
        E.g., campaigns, referrer, device class…

      2. What?
        Analyses that show the usage of the content
        e.g., paths, actions, pages, Qty Product Views…

      3. Results?
        Analyses of Goal Achievement
        e.g., Qty Orders, newsletter registration, other registrations…

    • Target Groups
      To whom is the report addressed? Adapt the visualization, as well as the level of detail of the information and the descriptions.

    4.3 Unification of information


    Wherever possible you should standardize reports, that deal with similar subject areas. Standards make it easier to read multiple reports.

    Possible guideline questions:

    • How are weekly reports structured?

    • Which key figures are used?

    • In which order are the key figures added?

    • Which time frames are used in the analysis?

    • How are analysis objects and metrics named?

    • Which filters are used to narrow down analyses?

    4.4 Report Templates

    Create report templates
    Reports can be copied within an account or across other accounts.

    This way, you could create templates e.g. for

    • daily / weekly / monthly reports

    • campaign reports

    Custom Metrics and Formulas that don‘t exist in the target account are also taken over.

    If filters are used, they can be adapted before copying is started.

    We suggest to set read-only permission for report templates. This can be done using report categories.

    4.5 Segmentation

    Mapp Intelligence offers various possibilities for segmentation – use them! For instance, do not just look at the average duration but analyze, what happens exactly in a visit with long durations.

    4.6 Simple interpretation

    • Notes
      Only forward new reports and analyses together with explanatory notes. This increases acceptance of the information and helps to avoid misinterpretations.
      For general information about the report use the report description. For other notes use a "Dynamic Box".

    • Relative values
      "Are 10,000 visits a lot or not?". Enrich your absolute figures with relative values.
      In many cases it will only be the combination of these that will let you grasp the meaning of the information in question.

    • Formatting
      Format important key figures in the data table to improve readability.

    • Compare different time intervals
      For a time-based comparison use the corresponding option in an analysis, Single KPI and Sparkline.

     You should now be able to answers questions like these:

    • Which display formats/elements can be used in reports?

    • How can a report be shared with other logins?

    • What is the purpose of the report filter?


    Please note that Mapp Intelligence was named "Webtrekk Analytics" until February 2020. We work on substituting the old name with the new one. However, it may happen that descriptions still contain "Webtrekk Analytics". The content of the document is up to date.

    Exercise Custom Reports.pdf

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