Values for Twitter Card (window)
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    Values for Twitter Card (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path​

    1. In the ​main navigation, click Audience > Group Management > Groups​​.

    2. In the ​ Actions​ column, click Twitter Card​.
      ⇒ The ​ Values for Twitter Card​ window opens.


    This window displays the values needed to set up a Lead Generation Card on Twitter. The information in this window mimics the layout of the Twitter configuration page.

    This window is used as follows:

    • To display the values needed to set up a Twitter Lead Generation Card to add leads to a subscription process in Mapp Engage.

    • To forward the values to another email address. The email recipient does not need to have a Mapp Engage user account to view the information.

    General Information​

    The values displayed in this window show you how to configure a Lead Generation Card in Twitter. The window also provides instructions for proper setup.

    • Group: Displays the name of the group into which leads generated by the Twitter Card are added.

    • Subscription Process: This area determines which values are shown in the ​Custom hidden data values​ section.

      • Single Opt-in: The window displays the key and value pairs to use for a single opt-in subscription process.

      • Double Opt-in: The window displays the key and value pairs to use for a double opt-in subscription process.

    • Submit URL: Shows the URL to enter in the ​Submit URL​ input field in Twitter. This is the URL sent by Twitter to Mapp Engage as an HTTP request. When Mapp Engage receives this request, it adds the Twitter user to a group according to the information provided in the additional parameters.

    • HTTP method: Select POST: Instructs the user to select ​POST​ in the ​HTTP method​ drop-down list in Twitter.

    • User information to be received: This section displays the values to enter in this section of the Twitter Card with this heading.

      • Name: Shows the value to enter in the ​Custom key name​ input field for ​Name​ in the Twitter Card. When used, the name associated with the Twitter account is sent to Mapp Engage.Twitter stores both first and last names in the same field. Mapp Engage separates these values according to a set of rules regarding the placement of empty characters and stores the values in the profile attributes ​user[firstName]​ and ​user[lastName]​.

      • Email: Shows the value to enter in the ​Custom key name​ input field for ​Email​ in the Twitter Card. This setup sends the email address associated with the Twitter account to Mapp Engage. This value is stored as the ​user[email]​ attribute.

      • Screen name: Shows the value to enter in the ​Custom key name​ input field for ​Screen name​ in the Twitter Card. When used, the Twitter handle (also called an @username) is sent to Mapp Engage. This value is stored in the profile attribute ​user[Nickname]​.

    • Custom hidden data values: This area displays the additional parameters (key and value pairs) used to configure the Twitter card. These values are added as parameters to the submit URL sent to Mapp Engage when a Twitter user clicks the call to action button in the lead generation card.

      • action | register: This adds the parameter action=register to the submit URL sent to Mapp Engage. Mapp Engage recognizes this as a subscription request.

      • gid | <group ID>: This adds the parameter gid=<groupID> to the submit URL sent to Mapp Engage. Mapp Engage uses this information to add the email address to the referenced group as a member.

      • invite_user | true: This adds the parameter invite_user=true to the submit URL sent to Mapp Engage. Mapp Engage recognizes this as a subscription request that uses a double opt-in process.

    • Forward Setup Instructions: This area is used to forward set-up instructions to the person responsible for creating Lead Generation Cards in a Twitter Ads account.

      • Email Address: This input field is used to enter the email address of the person responsible for creating the Twitter Card. The email recipient does not need to have a Mapp Engage user account to view the information. The owner of the email account receives a system message that includes all of the information shown in the ​Values for Twitter Card​ window.

      • Send: This button sends the information shown in the ​Values for Twitter Card​ window to the email address entered in the ​Email Address​ input field.

    Available Actions​

    • Close: This button closes the ​Values for Twitter Card​ window.

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