Variation Analysis (tab)
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    Variation Analysis (tab)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the main navigation​, click  Statistics​ > Group Messages​ > Email.

    2. In the ​Actions​ column, click   |  ​View Statistics​ or the  symbol.

    3. In the ​Recipient Activity​ area, click​ View Details​. -or- 
      Click ​Recipient Activity​.

    4. Click Variation Analysis​.


    The  ​Variation Analysis​ tab allows you to investigate the success of different message variations.

    You can use personalisation rules to create multiple variations of the same message. During sendout, Engage selects the right content for the right recipient. Each recipient sees one of the possible variations, based on the recipient's profile data. For more information, see Personalization​.

    What can I do in this window?

    • View the click-through rate and the number of confirmed openers and clickers for each message variation.

    • View the conditions (personalisation rules) that create each message variation.

    Top 5 Variations: CTR​

    This chart displays the five message variations that were most often clicked by recipients.

    The link categories are listed in descending order, according to CTR..

    Print and Export Options​




    Prints the chart.


    Exports the chart as an image file.




     or ​Visual Reporting​

    Opens the  ​Visual Reporting​  window.

    The  ​Visual Reporting​  window offers a visual summary of the clicks and link opens of your email message. Engage displays a preview of your message with the best and worst links highlighted right in the message display. This lets you see at a glance which content in your message was most appealing to contacts. Use this feedback to optimize your content creation for future messages.

    You can also compare different message variations that were created with complex personalizations.

    For more information, see Visual Reporting (window)​.

    ​View Conditions​

    Allows you to inspect the conditions that were used to create the message variations. This window displays the condition syntax, the ID, and the number of recipients who fulfilled the criteria to receive this variation.

    This window displays the following information.

    • Personalization Rule:​  Displays the syntax of the personalisation rule.
      Example: The syntax ${((user['ISOLanguageCode']=='en'))} inserts content for recipients whose profile language is English.

    • ​Variation Name:​  Displays the name of the message variation created with this personalisation rule.
      If you create messages manually, Engage automatically creates the variation name based on the name that you create for the personalisation rule. You can change the name in the syntax of the personalisation rule. Example: The syntax of the personalisation rule is <%InsertIf expression="${((user['ISOLanguageCode']=='en'))}" id="English" %><%/InsertIf%>. The element id="English" creates the name of the variation. You can change this name in the HTML code of the email.
      If you create messages in the CMS, Engage creates the variation name based on the selection or attribute that you selected to create the personalisation rule. Example: The Sendout Condition​ for a CMS paragraph is the selection that you named ​Language_EN​. The name of the message variation is ​Language_EN​ .

    • Recipients:​ Displays the number of contacts in Engage who fulfill the criteria for this personalisation rule. Example: The number of contacts in your Engage system whose profile language is English. Thus number may be different from the number of recipients of this message variation. The number of recipients depends on selection criteria and whether Engage skipped addresses during sendout.


    This table lists all links in the message and provides information about recipients and clicks.

    The links are sorted according to ​Accepted Rate​, ​Confirmed Open Rate​ or ​CTR​.




    CEP automatically assigns each message variation a number.

    ​Variation Name​

    Displays the name of the variation created with this personalisation rule.

    If you create messages manually, Engage automatically creates the variation name based on the name that you create for the personalisation rule. You can change the name in the syntax of the personalisation rule. Example: The syntax of the personalisation rule is <%InsertIf expression="${((user['ISOLanguageCode']=='en'))}" id="English" %><%/InsertIf%>. The element id="English" creates the name of the variation. You can change this name in the HTML code of the email.

    If you create messages in the CMS, Engage creates the variation name based on the selection or attribute that you selected to create the personalisation rule. Example: The  Sendout Condition​ for a CMS paragraph is the selection that you named  ​Language_EN​. The name of the message variation is Language_EN​.

    ​Number of Links​

    Displays the number of links in the message variation.


    Displays the number of messages that the receiving email server accepted from Engage. Accepted messages are all messages that arrived at the client server and did not produce a bounce. Accepted messages include messages that are delivered to the inbox and to the spam and junk folders.

    Accepted messages are calculated as follows: ​

    Accepted = Sent - Bounced

    ​Accepted Rate​

    Displays the percentage of messages that the receiving email server accepted from Engage. Accepted messages are all messages that arrived at the client server and did not produce a bounce. Accepted messages include messages that are delivered to the inbox and to the spam and junk folders.

    ​Confirmed Openers​

    Displays the number of recipients who were confirmed to have opened a message. If a recipient opens a message more than once, this only counts one time.

    Engage detects a confirmed open when at least one of the following is true:

    • The opened message triggers the download of the tracking pixel from the Engage servers.

    • The recipient clicks any link in the message.

    ​Confirmed Open Rate​

    Engage detects a confirmed open when at least one of the following is true:

    • The opened message triggers the download of the tracking pixel from the Engage servers.

    • The recipient clicks any link in the message.

    The Confirmed Open Rate is calculated as follows: ​

    Confirmed Open Rate = Confirmed Openers / Accepted messages​


    Displays the number of recipients who clicked any link in the message. If a recipient clicks more than one link in the message, this only counts one time.

    ​CTR (Click Through Rate)​

    The CTR (Click Through Rate) represents the number of recipients who click a link in a message divided by the number of accepted messages.

    The CTR is calculated as follows: 

    CTR = Clickers / Accepted messages

    Related Topics​

    Syntax of Personalization Rules​
    ​KPIs - Group Messages​

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