View Contact Memberships
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    View Contact Memberships

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    Article summary


    ​To see all groups that a contact is a member of.

    Background Information​

    In Mapp Engage, a contact can be a member of many groups. The ​Group Memberships​ window lets you see all of the memberships of a single contact.


    1. In the ​Main Navigation​, click Audience​ > ​Contact Management> All Contacts.
      ⇒The ​Contacts Overview​ window opens.

    2. Locate the desired contact in the table. You can use the input fields in the table header to search for a contact. Search by name, address type (email, SMS, or mobile app alias), or external identifier.

    3. In the ​Actions​ column, click  Memberships​.

      The ​Group Memberships​ window opens. The window displays a list of all the groups the contact belongs to.

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