View SMS Statistics
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    View SMS Statistics

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    Article summary


    To view the statistics for an SMS message.

    Navigation Path

    Statistics > Group Messages > SMS​ > 

    Background Information​

    The information you can view about your SMS messages in the ​Statistics​ area is limited. For example, it is not possible to determine whether a contact opens or clicks an SMS. This is due to the technical limitations of SMS.

    In the SMS statistics, you see the following information:

    • Sendout date and time.

    • The total number of messages sent.

    • Number and type of bounces.

    SMS bounce categories

    Bounce Type



    This can include the following:

    • A temporary operator network error.

    • A temporary time-out during delivery.

    • The mobile subscriber is out of mobile credit.


    The carrier (for example, Sprint or Verizon) refuses to deliver the message. One possible reason is that the subscriber has reached his or her monthly SMS limit.


    The subscriber has explicitly requested not to receive further messages. Certain types of SMS content can also produce a spam warning.

    Mapp Engage immediately deactivates mobile numbers that produce a spam notification.


    This is a permanent notification that your SMS messages will not be delivered to this number. Possible reasons include the following: The mobile subscriber does not want to receive messages from you. The phone settings prevent contact from unknown numbers. SAP could not find a subscriber at the given mobile number.

    Related Topics​

    SMS Messaging​
    Set Up SMS Messaging​
    ​Create SMS Message

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