Visual Reporting (window)
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    Visual Reporting (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the ​main navigation, click  Statistics​ > Group Messages> Email.

    2. In the Actions​ column, click   |  ​View Statistics​ or the   symbol.

    3. In the Recipient Activity​ area, click ​Visual Reporting​.


    The Visual Reporting​ window offers a visual summary of the clicks and link opens of your email message. Engage displays a preview of your message with the best and worst links highlighted right in the message display. This lets you see at a glance which content in your message was most appealing to contacts. Use this feedback to optimize your content creation for future messages.

    You can also compare different message variations that were created with complex personalizations.

    What can I do in this window?

    • View the best-performing and worst-performing links in your message.

    • View the best links in the message, ranked by click-through rate or click-to-open rate.

      • Click-through rate: The number of contacts who clicked a link in your message compared to the total number of accepted messages.

      • Click-to-open rate: The number of contacts who clicked a link in your message compared to the total number who opened your message.

    • Compare the success of different message variations. When first opened, you see the most frequently sent message variation. You can switch between message variations in the Message Variations​ area.

    Basic Information​

    This area displays general information about your message.




    Displays the subject line. The subject is displayed to the recipients as the subject line of the message in their inbox. The subject line also helps you to identify the message in the system. It is obligatory for sendout.

    If there are personalizations in the subject line, the personalizations are resolved according to the message variation that you select.

    ​Message ID​

    Displays the message ID. The message ID (MID) is a unique number generated by Engage. It identifies the message in the system.


    Displays the name of the sendout group.


    Displays the date and time when the sendout was started.

    General Settings​

    Use these settings to control the information that Engage displays in the visual report.



    ​Type of Click Rate​

    Select whether the visual reporting displays the click-through rate or the click-to-open rate of the links in the message.

    • Click-through rate (CTR): The number of contacts who clicked a link in your message compared to the total number of accepted messages.
      This KPI is calculated as follows:

      CTR = Clickers / Accepted Messages​

    • Click-to-open rate(CTO): The number of contacts who clicked a link in your message compared to the total number who opened your message.
      This KPI is calculated as follows: 

      CTO = Clickers / Confirmed Openers

    ​Visual Display​

    • Highlight best click rates:​  Highlights the links in your message that contacts have clicked most often. You can highlight from 1 to 10 links.

    • Highlight worst click rates:​  Highlights the links in your message that contacts have clicked least often. You can highlight from 1 to 10 links.

    • ​Show link categories:​  Displays the link categories in the message (if any). For more information, see Link Categories.

    Advanced Options​



    ​Select Message Variation​

    This drop-down list selects the message variation you want to view and analyze. ​Engage automatically assigns a name to each variation.​

    ​Variation Analysis allows you to evaluate the success of the different message variations that were created through complex personalizations. The number in brackets indicates how many times that message variation was sent within the main sendout.

    • Summary:​ Displays the email with all available content. All personalization rules are ignored. The final display of the email in the window may appear distorted, as no recipient normally sees all content displayed at once.

    Example: you have five possible paragraphs in an email. One paragraph is displayed to each recipient, depending on complex personalization rules. To view an individual variant, select the variant from the drop-down list. To see all content at once, select the Summary​  option.


    This entry displays the personalization rules used for the selected message variation.

    • ​This message variation does not contain any personalizations:​  The selected message variation does not contain any personalizations.

    • ID:​  Displays the ID of the personalization rules used.

    ​Calculation of Rates​

    These radio buttons define how the CTR or CTO is calculated.  ​Variation Analysis​  allows you to evaluate the success of the different message variations that were created through complex personalizations.

    • ​Per Link (Aggregated, All Variations):​  The selected rate is calculated per link for all versions of a message.

      CTR = Clickers on this link across all message variations / Accepted messages with this link across all message variations​

      ​CTO = Clickers on this link across all message variations / Confirmed Openers of the message with this link across all message variations​

    • ​Per Link (Per Variation):​  The selected rate is calculated for the link separately for each variant.

      CTR = Clickers on this link in this message variation / Accepted messages for this message variation​

      ​CTR = Clickers on this link in this message variation / Confirmed Openers of this message variation​


    This entry displays the subject line of the message that the recipient sees in the inbox.

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