Compose Email Template (window)
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    Compose Email Template (window)

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    Article summary

    Navigation Path

    1. In the ​Navigation​, click ​Assets​ > ​Visual Templates​.

      ⇒ The ​Email​ window opens to the ​Email Messages​ tab.

    2. Select the ​Email Template ​tab.
      ⇒ The ​Select Email Template​ window opens.

    3. In the ​Select Email Template​ window, click a template name.
      ⇒ The ​Edit​, ​Copy​, and ​Delete​ options display.

    4. Click ​Edit​.
      ⇒ The ​Compose Email Template​ window opens to the ​Edit​ tab.


    In this window, you define your email template. You can specify the layout and content of your email template and then save it for use in your email messages.

    What can I do in this window?

    • Define information including the template name, template description, and more.

    • Add blocks to the template.

    • Change the position of the blocks in the template.

    • View the HTML code of your template.





    Saves the changes.
    The window remains open for further editing.

    ​Save & Close​

    Saves the changes and closes the window.
    The ​Email Templates​ tab opens. Here you can locate all your templates.


    Closes the window without saving your changes.
    The ​Email Templates​ tab opens.

    Information Tab​

    Here you can enter the basic metadata of your email template.
    Depending on the configuration of your framework, you can individually edit several settings for your template.
    These settings include the background colour of headline blocks or URLs for banner blocks.

    Tab.: Information




    Defines the name of the template in Mapp Empower. The name is a mandatory input field.
    The maximum name length is 250 characters.


    Defines a description for the template. The description is an optional input field.
    The maximum description length is 3000 characters.
    Use this input field to provide additional information about the template.


    Defines the tags that are assigned to the template.

    Character Encoding​

    Defines the character encoding of the template.
    The following options are available:

    • ISO 8859-15:​ This encoding is sufficient for characters in Western European languages. For more information, see We recommend that you use this encoding.

    • UTF-8:​ This encoding is the most common character encoding for Unicode characters For more information see This character encoding supports all characters, including characters used in Middle Eastern and Asian languages.
      This encoding increases the size of your email messages. An increased email size can influence sendout and deliverability and can have an impact on your billing. Choose ISO 8859-15 whenever possible.

    ​Image Handling​

    Defines how Mapp Empower handles images in the message.

    • Image Links are Unchanged:​ Mapp Empower does not change the image address in any way. When the email is downloaded in the inbox, the images are downloaded from the URL you defined.
      Use this option when the image link contains additional information. For example, image links that contain parameters for a tracking pixel. You also select this option if you want to host the images locally or on a third-party server. For example, a content delivery network.

    • Images are Inlined (Offline HTML):​ Images are inserted into the email as inline attachments in the email. This option increases the size of your email messages.
      Use this option when you want email recipients to be able to views the images even when they are offline. When you send the email, Mapp Empower retrieves the images from the address you provide. Mapp Empower changes the image address in the HTML tags of the email to embed the images in the body of the email. As a result, the email client does not have to load the images from an external address to display the images in the inbox. If Mapp Empower cannot retrieve one or more images, the system asks you to upload the missing images. This method does not affect the tracking pixel in any way. The tracking pixel is still hosted on the Mapp Empower server.

    • Images are Hosted in Mapp Empower (Online HTML):​ Images are uploaded to the Mapp Empower servers. When the contact opens the email, the images are downloaded from Mapp Empower. Flash movies (*.swf) in the HTML and Flash HTML fields in the message are treated as images. It is not possible to inline files with these formats. The flash movies are specified with a specially formatted <object> block.

    You can exclude individual images from the selected image handling method. This method can help to keep the overall email size low.

    Edit Tab​

    The ​Edit​ tab allows you to define the layout of your email template. Here you can drag the available blocks to the desired position to form the layout for your future email message.
    To see a summary of the most important block details, click a block. The block metadata appear on the right-hand side. If you want to change details of the selected block, switch to the ​Blocks​ tab.

    Code Tab​

    The ​Code​ tab displays the HTML code of your complete email template. Here you can check the configuration of all the blocks in your template. You cannot edit the code of the template in this view. To edit the code of a block, switch to the ​Blocks​ tab.

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